Browsing by Title
Now showing items 746-765 of 6300
The C-V-f and G/omega-V-f characteristics of Au/SiO2/n-Si capacitors
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2007)Au/SiO2/n-Si metal-insulator-semiconductor (MOS) structures with thermal growth oxide layer have been fabricated. The frequency dependence of capacitance-voltage (C-P) and conductance-voltage (G/omega-V) characteristics ... -
Cahit Zarifoğlu'nun şiirlerinde insan ve toplum
(Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, 2017)Cahit Zarifoğlu, şiirlerini zarifçe yazar. Onun şiirleri kendi iç dünyasını yansıtır. İnsana ve topluma bakış açısı da şairin düşünce felsefesi gibidir. İslamcı yapısı şiirinde örtülü bir şekilde tezahür eder. İnsanı iyi ... -
Calcium antagonists, digoxin, calcaemia and anaemia in heart failure
Calcium antagonists, digoxin, calcaemia and anaemia in heart failure.
(ALLIED ACAD, 2017)Objective: To reveal that Calcium Antagonist (CA) use is associated with lower haemoglobin (Hb) and digoxin use is associated with higher Hb in Heart Failure (HF). Method: 223 chronic HF patients in acute decompensation ... -
Calculations of Structural, Elastic, Electronic, Magnetic and Phonon Properties of FeNiMnAl by the First Principles
(AMER INST PHYSICS, 2014)The electronic, elastic and dynamical properties of the quaternary alloy FeNiMnAl have been investigated using a pseudopotential plane wave method within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). We determined the ... -
Calderon-Zygmund Operators Assocıated Wıth Schrodınger Operator And Theır Commutators On Vanıshıng Generalızed Morrey Spaces
(Inst Applıed Mathematıcs, 2022)We establish the boundedness of Calderon-Zygmund operators associated with Schrodinger operator and their commutators on vanishing generalized Morrey spaces. -
Calderón-Zygmund operators and their commutators on generalized weighted Orlicz-Morrey spaces
(World Scientific, 2022)In this paper, we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for the weak/strong boundedness of the Calderón-Zygmund operators in generalized weighted Orlicz-Morrey spaces. We also study the boundedness of the commutators ... -
Camilla Jacquart’ın Raporuna Göre Atatürk Döneminde Türk Ekonomisi
(2008)“London General Press” ismindeki haber gazetesinin İstatistik Genel Müdürü Camille Jacquart’ın “Türkiye’nin Ekonomik Geleceği” başlıklı raporu yaklaşık 4000 kelimedir. Camille Jacquart’ın raporu üç ayrı bölümden oluşmaktadır. ... -
Can a Small Intestine Segment Be an Alternative Biological Conduit for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration?
(GALENOS YAYINCILIK, 2017)Background: Autologous nerve grafts are used to bridge peripheral nerve defects. Limited sources and donor site morbidity are the major problems with peripheral nerve grafts. Although various types of autologous grafts ... -
Can a Small Intestine Segment Be an Alternative Biological Conduit for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration?
(2017)Background: Autologous nerve grafts are used to bridge peripheral nerve defects. Limited sources and donor site morbidity are the major problems with peripheral nerve grafts. Although various types of autologous grafts ... -
Can Agricultural Services Providers (Asps) Play Role For Enhancing Wheat Productivity? A Case Study Of District Sargodha
(Unıv Agrıculture, 2020)Agriculture supports a large proportion of rural people working either as farmers, casual laborers, traders or hire service suppliers. The agricultural services such as land preparation, drill sowing, transportation, ... -
Can Agrıcultural Servıces Provıders (Asps) Play Role For Enhancıng Wheat Productıvıty? A Case Study Of Dıstrıct Sargodha
(Unıv Agrıculture, 2020)Agriculture supports a large proportion of rural people working either as farmers, casual laborers, traders or hire service suppliers. The agricultural services such as land preparation, drill sowing, transportation, ... -
Can biomass energy be an efficient policy tool for sustainable development?
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2017)This paper first reviews the potential causality from biomass energy to CO2 emissions and economic development within relevant literature. Later, the paper examines statistically the impacts of biomass energy consumption ... -
Can monocyte to HDL cholesterol ratio and monocyte to lymphocyte ratio be markers for inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with vitiligo? A preliminary study
(Springer, 2020)Both systemic inflammation and oxidative stress play crucial roles in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. In recent studies, monocyte to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (MHR), monocyte to lymphocyte ratio (MLR), ... -
Can project-based learning close the gap? Turkish student teachers and proenvironmental behaviours
(2010)Çevre eğitimi uzmanlarına göre, insanların çoğu davranışlarında çevre farkındalıklarını kullanmamaktadır. Dolayısıyla uzmanlar insanların bilişsel ve davranışsal boyutları arasında bir boşluk olduğuna inanmaktadırlar. Bu ... -
Can project-based learning close the gap? Turkish student teachers and proenvironmental behaviours [Projeye dayali ög¨renme boşlug¨u kapatabilir mi? türk fen ög¨retmen adaylari ve çevre dostu davranişlar]
(2010)According to environmental education scholars, most people do not use their environmental awareness to behave proenvironmentally. Scholars therefore believe that there is a gap between humans' cognitive and behavioural ... -
Can the Ratio of Calcium to Albumin Predict the Severity of Aortic Stenosis?
(AVES, 2019)Objective: Aortic sclerosis is observed in 25% of the elderly population, and 2.5% of these patients have severe aortic stenosis (AS). Numerous studies have reported a relationship between the serum calcium or albumin ... -
Can we trust the positivity of semi-quantitative glucose measurement in the urine?
(Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, 2017)As known, when the blood glucose level exceeds the renal threshold value of 180-200 mg/dL it begins to be excreted with urine. Spot urine analysis is easy to perform and an important test, with false positive or negative ... -
Canlılar Bilimi Konusunda TIMSS-R (1999) Soruları ile LGS (1999) Sorularının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
(2008)Eğitim alanında uluslararası ölçme-değerlendirmeleri yapan bir kuruluş International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), katılmak isteyen ülkeleri fen ve matematik alanlarında dört yılda bir ... -
The Canturk combination: Erector spinae plane block and femoral nerve block for postoperative analgesia after coronary artery by-pass grafting surgery
(Elsevier Science Inc., 2020)To the Editor; Pain control after coronary artery by-pass grafting (CABG) surgery is mandatory. Sternotomy, tissue damage, and intraoperative retractor use results in incredible postoperative pain. Intraoperative use of ...