Yazar "Gulser, Fusun" için listeleme
The Effects Of Sewage Sludge Applıcatıon On Graın Yıeld And Nutrıent Status Of Graın In Trıtıcale Under Raınfed Condıtıons
Arpali, Digdem; Gulser, Fusun; Yagmur, Mehmet (PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2016)Eight treatments were used to evaluate the effects of sewage sludge and mineral fertilizer on grain yield and some grain yield componnets, plant nutrient contents and heavy metal concentrations in triticale grain (cv Mikham ... -
Effects Of Zınc And Urea As Folıar Applıcatıon On Nutrıtıonal Propertıes And Graın Yıeld In Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L-Cony-Dıstıchon) Under Semı Arıd Condıtıon
Yagmur, Mehmet; Arpali, Digdem; Gulser, Fusun (PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2017)This current study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different rates of urea and zinc on grain yield and some important grain mineral contents in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cony. Distichon cv. Tokak 157/37). The ...