Yazar "Koçak, Emrah" için listeleme
Co-movements and causalities between ethanol production and corn prices in the USA: New evidence from wavelet transform analysis
Bilgili, Faik; Koçak, Emrah; Kuşkaya, Sevda; Bulut, Ümit (Elsevier Ltd, 2022)The literature has been increasingly examining the existence of possible compatibility or conflict hypotheses between biofuels and food security in recent years. While current research outputs do not provide a consensus, ... -
The economic implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on tourism industry: Empirical evidence from Turkey
Koçak, Emrah; Doğru, Tarık; Shehzad, Khurram; Bulut, Ümit (Sage Publıcatıons Inc, 2022)The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused tremendous fear and uncertainty and affected health, economy, and social life in an unprecedented form worldwide. Yet, the level of knowledge on its economic implications ... -
The effect of freedom on international tourism demand: Empirical evidence from the top eight most visited countries
Bulut, Ümit; Koçak, Emrah; Suess, Courtney (Sage Publıcatıons Ltd., 2019)The present study investigates the impact of freedom (i.e. the effects of political rights and civil liberties) on tourist arrivals for the eight countries with the highest tourist arrivals in 2016 (France, the United ... -
Estimation of the Co-movements Between Biofuel Production and Food Prices: A Wavelet-based Analysis
Bilgili, Faik; Koçak, Emrah; Kuşkaya, Sevda; Bulut, Ümit (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020)Recently, the significance of biofuel production on food prices has become an important topic of discussion within the framework of sustainable development. Based on the relevant discussions, this work aims at observing ... -
Finansal Gelişme Çevresel Kaliteyi Etkiler Mi? Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomileri İçin Ampirik Kanıtlar
Koçak, Emrah (2017)Bu çalışma 1982-2010 dönemi Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde finansal gelişme ve CO2 salınımı arasındaki ilişkiyi çok değişkenli bir çerçevede araştırmaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada panel eşbütünleşme, panel dinamik en küçük ... -
Is ethanol production responsible for the increase in corn prices?
Koçak, Emrah; Bilgili, Faik; Bulut, Ümit; Kuşkaya, Sevda (Elsevier Ltd, 2022)This paper aims to investigate the effects of the production of ethanol, a renewable biofuel, oil prices, population, and exchange rate on corn prices in the US (1985:m1-2020:m7) using a nonlinear smooth transition model. ... -
Maliye Politikalarının İnsani Gelişim Üzerindeki Rolü: Ampirik Bir Yaklaşım
Kızılkaya, Oktay; Koçak, Emrah; Sofuoğlu, Emrah (2015)Hükümetlerin öncelikli amaçlarından birisi ekonomik büyüme ile beraber insani gelişimi sürekli kılabilmektir. Bu çerçevede çalışmanın amacı vergilerin, kamu harcamalarının, gelirin ve altyapının (elektrik tüketimi) insani ... -
The nexus between tourism, economic growth, renewable energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions: contemporary evidence from OECD countries
Doğru, Tarık; Bulut, Ümit; Koçak, Emrah; Işık, Cem; Suess, Courtney; Sırakaya-Turk, Ercan (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020)The relationship between tourism development, economic growth, renewable energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions has been examined in a variety of contexts; however, the extant studies report contradictory findings ... -
Orta gelir tuzağ: Teorik çerçeve, ampirik yaklaşımlar ve Türkiye üzerine ekonometrik bir uygulama
Koçak, Emrah; Bulut, Ümit (2014)Bu çalışmanın amacı Robertson ve Ye’nin (2013) geliştirdiği yaklaşımı kullanarak Türkiye ekonomisinin orta gelir tuzağında olup olmadığını test etmektir. Bu amaca yönelik olarak Lee ve Strazicich (2003) ve Carrion-i-Silvestre ... -
The resilience of green firms in the twirl of COVID-19: Evidence from S&P500 Carbon Efficiency Index with a Fourier approach
Koçak, Emrah; Bulut, Ümit; Menegaki, Angeliki N. (John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2022)This paper investigates the resilience of environmentally friendly companies in an overwhelming economic and social environment that has been generated after the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. ... -
The shale gas production and economic growth in local economies across the US
Bilgili, Faik; Koçak, Emrah; Bulut, Ümit (Springer, 2020)Recently, several seminal works have been drawing attention to the revolution of shale gas production technology of the USA, the impact of shale gas on energy sectors, as well as the influences of shale gas on macroeconomic ... -
Towards sustainable development in China: do political rights and civil liberties matter for environmental quality?
Koçak, Emrah; Kızılkaya, Oktay (Springer, 2020)China is a rising power of the twenty-first century with its brilliant economic performance as a result of the transition to the free market economy model. However, China’s economic development process has caused high ... -
Towards sustainable development in China: do political rights and civil liberties matter for environmental quality?
Koçak, Emrah; Kızılkaya, Oktay (Springer, 2020)China is a rising power of the twenty-first century with its brilliant economic performance as a result of the transition to the free market economy model. However, China’s economic development process has caused high ... -
Towards sustainable development in China: do political rights and civil liberties matter for environmental quality?
Koçak, Emrah; Kızılkaya, Oktay (Springer Heidelberg, 2020)China is a rising power of the twenty-first century with its brilliant economic performance as a result of the transition to the free market economy model. However, China's economic development process has caused high ... -
Türkiye'de Demokrasi ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Ampirik Bir Araştırma
Koçak, Emrah; Uzay, Nisfet (2017)Bu çalışmanın amacı 1975-2014 dönemi Türkiye'de demokrasinin ekonomik büyüme üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada birim kök testlerinden sonra, eşbütünleşme ilişkisinin test edilmesinde Johansen (1988; 1991) ve ...