Yazar "Sarı, Mehmet" için listeleme
The Effect of Sex and Slaughter Age on Growth, Slaughter, and Carcass Characteristics in Lindovskaya Geese Reared under Breeder Conditions
Akbaş, Aykut Asım; Sarı, Mehmet; Buğdaycı, Kadir Emre; Saatçi, Mustafa (Tübitak, 2020)The study was conducted to determine growth, slaughter, and carcass characteristics of Lindovskaya geese. While a total of 237 goslings, 101 males, and 136 females were used to determine their growth characteristics, 16 ... -
Effect of slaughter age and muscle type on selected meat quality traits and fatty acid composition of Lindovskaya geese
Akbaş, Aykut Asım; Sarı, Mehmet; Kuleaşan, Şükran; Buğdaycı, Kadir Emre; Saatçi, Mustafa (Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorıal Office, 2020)The study was conducted in order to determine how the slaughter age (SA) and muscle type (MT) affect technological properties and fatty acid composition (FAC) of meat among Linda geese reared under the breeder conditions. ... -
Estimation of live weights at the beginning and the end of grazing season in Tuj lambs via scores of factor analysis
Önk, Kadir; Sarı, Mehmet; Gürcan, İsmayil Safa (2018)This study was conducted in order to eliminate multicollinearity between body measurements of Tuj lambs and to estimate their live weights in the beginning and the end of grazing season (GS) using factor analysis scores, ... -
A Field Study On Fertılıty Traıts Of Holsteın Heıfer And Cows Artıfıcıally Insemınated Wıth Sexed Belgıan Blue Sperm And Growth Characterıstıcs Of Crossbreed Belgıan Blue _ Holsteın (F1) Male Calves
Akbaş, Aykut Asım; Sarı, Mehmet; Usta, Zafer; Saatçi, Mustafa (Academic Publishing House, 2022)The study was conducted to investigate some reproductive traits of Holstein cattle inseminated with imported sexed male Belgian Blue semen and the growth characteristics of calves in Aydin province of Turkey. Totally 82 ... -
Genetic parameters and genetic trend of some yield traits of Holstein Friesian cattle population in Tropical Region (Teke)
Öztürk, Yahya; Sarı, Mehmet; Genç, Serdar (Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2021)This study was conducted to determine the milk yield and reproduction characteristics, genetic trend, and breeding values of Holstein cattle reared in Teke region (Antalya, Burdur, Denizli, and Isparta provinces) of Turkey. ... -
Kırşehir İli Besi Sığırı İşletmelerinde Barınakların Hayvan Refahı Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi
Demirkaya, İbrahim (Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, 2024)Bu çalışma Kırşehir ilinde besi sığırı barınaklarının hayvan refahı açısından değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, hayvancılığın yoğun olduğu 45 köy ve mahalledeki 100 üretici ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. ...