Yazar "Selimhocaoğlu, A. Şakir" için listeleme
The effect of parents' behaviours to their childrens' basic needs on childrens' emotional abuse-neglect (an example of Kirşehir Province) [Anne babalarin çocuklarinin temel gereksi'ni'mleri'ne yaklaşim tarzlarinin çocuklarinin duygusal i'sti'smar-i'hmal durumuna etki'si' (Kirşehir i'li örneği')]
Selimhocaoğlu, A. Şakir (T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi, 2011)The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Parents' Approach Styles to their school age children's basic needs on children Emotional Abuse- Neglect; if there is, to determine its today's level, to increase ...