Yazar "Yurdakul, Emre" için listeleme
Comparison of acetabulum posterior wall fractures and fracture dislocations: dislocation does not affect clinical and radiological outcomes
Kizkapan, Turan Bilge; Misir, Abdulhamit; Uzun, Erdal; Ozcamdalli, Mustafa; Yurdakul, Emre; Argun, Mahmut (ACTA MEDICA BELGICA, 2017)The aim of this study was to compare radiological and clinical outcomes of posterior wall acetabulum fractures and posterior wall fracture dislocations. Data were including 52 acetabulum fractures and fracture dislocations. ... -
Comparison of acetabulum posterior wall fractures and fracture dislocations: dislocation does not affect clinical and radiological outcomes
Kizkapan, Turan B.; Misir, Abdulhamit; Uzun, Erdal; Ozcamdalli, Mustafa; Yurdakul, Emre; Argun, Tahmut (ACTA MEDICA BELGICA, 2018)The aim of this study was to compare radiological and clinical outcomes of posterior wall acetabulum fractures and posterior wall fracture dislocations. Data were including 52 acetabulum fractures and fracture dislocations. ... -
Comparison of Intraoperative and Postoperative Outcomes of Proximal Femoral Nailing and Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty Techniques in Intertrochanteric Femur Fracture Treatment [İntertrokanterik Femur Kırığı Tedavisinde Proksimal Femoral Çivileme ve Bipolar Hemiartroplasti Tekniklerinin İntraoperatif ve Postoperatif Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması]
Yetiş, Mehmet; Yurdakul, Emre (Duzce University Medical School, 2022)Aim: This study was undertaken with the purpose of comparing the short and long term surgical, clinical, and functional results between bipolar hemiarthroplasty and proximal femoral nailing in the same cohort of patients. ...