Yayıncı "CARBONE EDITORE" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3
Comparison Of Fusidic Acıd Susceptibility Of Staphylococci: A Multicenter Study
(CARBONE EDITORE, 2018)Introduction: The increasing antibiotic resistance of staphylococci, an important factor among societal and hospital-sourced infection factors, reduces the treatment choices available. Fusidic acid (FA), the use of which ... -
Does Neutrophıl / Lymphocyte Ratıo Contrıbute To Dıagnostıcs In Patıents Wıth Fascıolıasıs?
(CARBONE EDITORE, 2018)Introduction: Fasciolia sp. is a trematode causes infection by settling in the liver bile ducts of domestic animal and human liver. Fascioliasis is a parasite disease that might have changes in liver parenchyma and in bile ... -
Effects Of Clınıcal Breakpoınt Changes In Transıtıon From Clsı To Eucast For Antıbıotıc Susceptıbılıty Test Reportıng Of Pseudomonas Aerugınosa Isolates: A Local Study In Turkey
(CARBONE EDITORE, 2017)Introduction: The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) is a standard used for the implementation and evaluation of antibiotic susceptibility tests in many European countries. The EUCAST ...