Yayıncı "Cambridge University Press" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 5, listelenen: 1-5
Anatomy, Histology, and Ultrastructure of Salivary Glands of the Burrower Bug, Scaptocoris castanea (Hemiptera: Cydnidae)
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)The burrower bug Scaptocoris castanea Perty, 1830 (Hemiptera: Cydnidae) is an agricultural pest feeding on roots of several crops. The histology and ultrastructure of the salivary glands of S. castanea were described. The ... -
Evaluation of the farms producing dry bean landraces by capital approach in the Middle Kizilirmak Valley of Turkey
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)This study was conducted to determine the opinions of the farmers producing dry bean landraces (DBL) at the regional level of Turkey (eight provinces). In total, 140 questionnaire forms were filled by DBL producers. The ... -
Food Insecurity and Affecting Factors in Households With Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
(Cambridge University Press, 2022)Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the incidence of food insecurity and affecting factors in households with children in Turkey during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: This is a ... -
Internet addiction in high school and university students: An evaluation in terms of various psychological, social and personal variables
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)The purpose of this research was to examine internet addiction among high school and university students in terms of interpersonal relationships, automatic thoughts and problem-solving skills. The sample of the study ... -
The man who came late to dinner. A sundial, a raven, and a missed dinner party on a mosaic at Tarsus
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)In 2012, construction works at the traditional olive market at Tarsus, in Eski Ömerli district, revealed large-scale architectural remains of the Roman period; the construction works were halted and a salvage excavation ...