Yayıncı "De Gruyter" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2
Physio-biochemical analyses in seedlings of sorghum-sudangrass hybrids that are grown under salt stress under in vitro conditions [In vitro koşullarda tuz stresi altında yetişen sorgum-sudangrass hibritlerin fidelerinde fizyo-biyokimyasal analizler]
(De Gruyter, 2020)Objective: This study was conducted to analyze the physio-biochemical responses of two sorghum-sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor × Sorghum Sudanese Stapf.) hybrid (“Aneto” and “Sugar Graze”) seedlings exposed to salt stress. ... -
Riesz potential in the local Morrey-Lorentz spaces and some applications
(De Gruyter, 2018)In this paper, the necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the boundedness of the Riesz potential I ? in the local Morrey-Lorentz spaces M p, q; ? loc ? (Rn). This result is applied to the boundedness of particular ...