Yayıncı "Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 6, listelenen: 1-6
Association of change in body condition score with milk yield and reproduction traits of holstein cows
(Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum, 2020)The aim of the study was to determine the effect of changes in body condition score (BSC) on milk yield and reproduction traits in early (30, 60 and 90 d), mid (120 and 150 d) and late lactation (210 and 270 d) in Holstein ... -
The effects of sewage sludge treatment on triticale straw yield and its chemical contents in rainfed condition
(Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum, 2017)This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of different of sewage sludge doses on some yield traits and straw chemical contents in triticale (Triticosecale wittmack, Cv Mikham-2001).The field study was designed in ... -
Estimates of genetic parameters for direct and maternal effects with six different models on birth weight of brown swiss calves
(Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum, 2016)The aim of the present study was to estimate variance components, genetic parameters and breeding values for birth weights in Brown Swiss calves. Data were collected from the Malya State Farm in Kırşehir province of Turkey ... -
Estimation of 305-days milk yield using fuzzy linear regression in Jersey dairy cattle
(Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum, 2018)Fuzzy linear regression analysis helps to produce successful assumptions in situations with uncertainty between variables and provides researchers with a flexible perspective. In this study, 305 days milk yield estimation ... -
Prediction of 305 days milk yield from early records in dairy cattle using on fuzzy inference system
(Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum, 2018)In the present investigation, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) was implemented to predict 305 d milk yield using partial lactation records of Jersey dairy cattle. The input variables for the system in the study ... -
Relatıonshıp Between Vıtamın and Antıoxıdant Actıvıtıes of Rosehıp Specıes Grown in the same Ecologıcal Condıtıons
(Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum, 2024)The realisation of the high chemical potential of the fruits of Rosa species, which were initially used for seasonal consumption and in the treatment of a wide range of ailments, led to an increase in consumption and ...