Yayıncı "Sciedu Press" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 7, listelenen: 1-7
Analysis of relationships between coaches' organizational justice and leader-member exchange by structural equation modeling
(Sciedu Press, 2018)In this study, it was aimed to determine to what extent coaches’ organizational justice levels were explained by a leader-member exchange. This study was conducted by using correlational survey model and its sub-purposes ... -
The effect of various local dances on prospective physical education teachers’ attitudes towards the folk dance course
(Sciedu Press, 2019)In this study, the effect of various local dances on prospective physical education teachers’ attitudes towards the folk dance course was examined. The research was conducted by using an experimental design with ... -
Examination of stress states and lifestyle habits of academic and administrative personnel holding office at universities
(Sciedu Press, 2018)The purpose of this research is to examine the relation between the stresses and some lifestyle habits of academic and administrative personnel holding office at Ahi Evran University. 368 personnel in total as being 252 ... -
Examination of youth team athletes’ social values according to some variables
(Sciedu Press, 2018)In this study, it was aimed to examine of youth team athletes’ social values according to some variables. The study was carried out by screening model and includes in range of 9-17 years 273 youth team athletes who take ... -
Metaphorical perceptions of folk dances trainers regarding the concept of folk dances
(Sciedu Press, 2018)This research was carried out with the help of metaphor to determine the perception of folk dances trainers regarding the concept of folk dances. The study was carried out with a total of 141 folk dances trainers (85 men ... -
Research on the relationship between trainers' turnover intention and organizational justice
(Sciedu Press, 2019)The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the organizational justice levels and the turnover intention of trainers working in different departments. The present research was designed with relational ... -
Turkish adaptation of behavioral regulations in sports questionnaire and reviewing psychometry properties: Validation and reliability study
(Sciedu Press, 2018)Purpose of this study is to adapt Behavioral Regulation in Sports Questionnaire (BRSQ) which developed by Lonsdale, Hodge and Rose (2008) in Turkish and review psychometry properties. The scale consists of 24 items and 6 ...