Browsing by Subject "(Mystic or epic) Legend"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
"Menaqib-i Ahi Cihan-i Nasreddin Ahi Evrn" the unkown source on ahi evrn's legendary life [Ahi evrn'in menkabevi hayatina dair bilinmeyen bir eser: "Menâkib-i Ahî Cihân-i nasreddîn ahi evrn"]
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2012)Mystic or epic legends (menqabes) are crucial works in determining the cultural and belief history of a society. The works containing several menakibs are called "menaqib" or "menaqibname". While some menaqibs mention ... -
Menaqıb-I Ahı Cıhan-I Nasreddın Ahı Evran The Unkown Source On Ahı Evran's Legendary Lıfe
(GAZI UNIV, TURK KULTURU VE HACI BEKTAS VELI, 2012)Mystic or epic legends (menqabes) are crucial works in determining the cultural and belief history of a society. The works containing several menakibs are called "menaqib" or "menaqibname". While some menaqibs mention ...