Browsing by Author "Acir, Nurullah"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Acir, Nurullah (PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2019)The ability of a soil to provide the productivity service depends on the fulfillment of the functions that enable the realization of productivity service (PS). This study was conducted to determine and map the PS capacity ... -
Environmental sensitivity to desertification in northern Mesopotamia; application of modified MEDALUS by using analytical hierarchy process
Budak, Mesut; Gunal, Hikmet; Celik, Ismail; Yildiz, Hakan; Acir, Nurullah; Acar, Mert (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2018)Poor management, low vegetation cover, and severe evasion are undermining the stability and sustainability of lands. In this study, modified Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) method was used to identify ... -
Land suitability assessment for wheat production using analytical hierarchy process in a semi-arid region of Central Anatolia
Günal, Hikmet; Kılıç, Orhan Mete; Ersayın, Kemal; Acir, Nurullah (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022)Rational planning of soil resources based on their capabilities are needed for the sustainable use of agricultural lands. Land suitability classification is an important evaluation tool for the management of soil resources. ... -
Budak, Mesut; Gunal, Hikmet; Celik, Ismail; Yildiz, Hakan; Acir, Nurullah; Acar, Mert (NORTH UNIV BAIA MARE, 2018)Economic life of the Tigris basin, part of the Mesopotamian depends heavily on agricultural production for thousands of years. Sustainability of agricultural production in this ancient region may only be possible by ... -
Soil quality of a cropland and adjacent natural grassland in an arid region
Acir, Nurullah; Günal, Hikmet (Earth and Environmental Team, Romania, 2020)Maintaining and improving the quality of soils are vital to provide the food and fiber demands of increasing human population and support the sustainability of the ecosystem services. The aim of this study was to assess ... -
Soil salinity assessment of a natural pasture using remote sensing techniques in central Anatolia, Turkey
Kılıç, Orhan Mete; Budak, Mesut; Günal, Elif; Acir, Nurullah; Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir, Rares; Alfarraj, Saleh; Ansari, Mohammad Javed (Public Library of Science, 2022)Soil salinity is a major land degradation process reducing biological productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. Therefore, its effective monitoring and management is inevitable. Recent developments in remote sensing ... -
Spatial Variability of Soil Potassium and its Relationship to Land Use and Parent Material
Akbas, Fevzi; Gunal, Hikmet; Acir, Nurullah (CZECH ACADEMY AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, 2017)Information on the spatial distribution of plant nutrients is a prerequisite to predict their behaviour and to monitor the fertility in a watershed. This study was conducted to evaluate variations of plant available potassium ... -
Strategic tillage may sustain the benefits of long-term no-till in a Vertisol under Mediterranean climate
Celik, Ismail; Gunal, Hikmet; Acar, Mert; Acir, Nurullah; Barut, Zeliha Bereket; Budak, Mesut (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2019)Long-term no-till or reduced tillage may decline functioning ability of soils due to surface/subsurface compaction and/or stratification of plant nutrients. A long-term (ten years) field experiment was established in 2006 ... -
Tıllage Effects On Soıl Organıc Carbon, Mıcrobıal Bıomass Carbon And Beta-Glucosıdase Enzyme Actıvıty In A Typıc Haploxerert Soıl
Acar, Mert; Celik, Ismail; Gunal, Hikmet; Acir, Nurullah; Barut Bereket, Zeliha; Budak, Mesut (UNIV AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES & VETERINARY MEDICINE BUCHAREST, 2018)Biological indicators allow to define early changes in soil environment due to the impacts in land management over time. This study investigated the effects of long-term (2006-2015) two conventional (CT-1 and CT-2), three ...