Browsing by Author "Aksoy, Yüksel"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Anadolu mandalarında farklı laktasyon eğrisi modellerinin karşılaştırılması
Bu araştırmada, farklı işletme koşullarında 2011-2013 yılları arasında yetiştirilen Anadolu mandalarına ait kontrol günü süt verim kayıtları kullanılarak sekiz farklı laktasyon eğrisi modeli karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, ... -
Determination of Direct and Indirect Effects on Milk Yield of Anatolian Buffaloes Using Path Analysis
Şahin, Ahmet; Aksoy, Yüksel; Yıldırım, Arda; Ulutaş, Zafer (Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 2022)This study aimed to determine the direct and indirect effects of the independent variables presented by the lactation length (LL), age of calving (CAGE), and daily milk yield (DMY) on the dependent variable of lactation ... -
Determination of Slaughter and Carcass Traits in Male Turkish Anatolian Buffaloes at ;Different Slaughter Weights
Ulutaş, Zafer; Şahin, Aziz; Aksoy, Yüksel; Uğurlutepe, Emre (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021)Nowadays, deficits in red meat resources in Turkey are caused by the import of red meat from different countries. Anatolian buffaloes used in this research are a species that can contribute to red meat production in Turkey. ... -
The effects of slaughter weight on chemical composition, physical properties, and fatty acid profile of musculus longissimus dorsi in Holstein bulls
Kul, Ertuğrul; Şahin, Aziz; Aksoy, Yüksel; Uğurlutepe, Emre (Springer Netherlands, 2019)This study was conducted to investigate the effects of slaughter weight on chemical composition, physical properties, and fatty acid profile of musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) in Holstein bulls. The bulls (n = 20) were ... -
Estimates of genetic parameters for different body weights andmuscle and fat depths of Karayaka lambs
Aksoy, Yüksel; Ulutaş, Zafer; Şen, Uğur; Şirin, Emre; Şahin, Aziz (2016)In the current paper the direct additive and maternal genetic effects on birth, weaning (at 90 days of age), and scanning (at 20 weeks of age) weights and muscle and fat depths of the ribeye area in Karayaka lambs were ... -
Fatty acid and conjugated linoleic acid content of Anatolian buffaloes at different muscle types and slaughter weight
Sahin, Aziz; Aksoy, Yüksel; Uğurlutepe, Emre; Ulutaş, Zafer (Springer, 2022)This research was performed to detect tissue fatty acid (FA) composition and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content in Anatolian buffaloes at different muscle types (MTs) and slaughter weights (SWs). The research was carried ... -
Fatty acid profilies and some meat quality traits at different slaughter weights of Brown Swiss bulls
Şahin, Aziz; Aksoy, Yüksel; Uğurlutepe, Emre; Kul, Ertuğrul; Ulutaş, Zafer (Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2021)This research was done to detect some meat quality traits and tissue fatty acid combination of the longissimus dorsi thoracis (LT) muscle of Brown Swiss bulls at the different slaughter weights (SW). The animal material ...