Browsing by Author "Arslanoglu, Hasan"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Extraction of selected metals from spent hydrodesulfurization catalyst using alkali leaching agent
The aim of present study is to examine the dissolution and kinetics of valuable metals from spent hydrodesulfurization catalyst using potassium hydroxide. Due to low solubility of metal oxides of Ni and Co in alkali medium, ... -
Fabrication, Characterization, and Adsorption Applications of Low-cost Hybride Activated Carbons From Peanut Shell-vinasse Mixtures by One-step Pyrolysis
Arslanoğlu, Esra; Eren, Muhammet S. A.; Arslanoglu, Hasan; Çiftçi, Harun (Springer Heidelberg, 2023)The present work aims to develop an innovative, alternative, fast, and cost-effective one-step pyrolysis method for activated carbon production using peanut shell and vinasse mixture. This facile procedure is based on ... -
Photocatalytic Reduction of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions with Formic Acid in the Presence of Bauxite: Kinetics and Mechanism
Arslanoglu, Hasan; Altundogan, H. Soner; Tümen, Fikret (Sprınger Indıa, 2021)Cr(VI) is one of the most dangerous heavy metal pollutants in the industrial wastewaters. It is very difficult to remove the Cr(VI) by direct precipitation and it is needed to be reduced to Cr(III) form in order to remove ... -
Removal of Basic Yellow 51 Dye by Using Ion Exchange Resin Obtained by Modification of Byproduct Sugar Beet Pulp
Turk, Feride N.; Çiftçi, Harun; Arslanoglu, Hasan (SPRINGER INDIA, 2022)The removal of dyestuffs, which are an important pollutant group in textile wastewater, is an important environmental problem. Various chemical and physicochemical methods are used in the purification of these wastewaters. ...