Browsing by Author "Arslantas, Ali"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Nerve Tissue Prefabrication Inside the Rat Femoral Bone: Does It Work?
Özbek, Zühtü; Koçman, Atacan Emre; Özatık, Orhan; Söztutar, Erdem; Özkara, Emre; Köse, Aydan; Arslantas, Ali; Çetin, Cengiz (2017)AIm: To investigate whether nerve regeneration can be induced in the tubular bone between distal and proximal cut nerve ends. mATERIAl and mEThODS: Twenty adult Wistar rats were used for the study. Rats were divided into ... -
Nerve Tissue Prefabrication Inside the Rat Femoral Bone: Does It Work?
Ozbek, Zuhtu; Kocman, Atacan Emre; Ozatik, Orhan; Soztutar, Erdem; Ozkara, Emre; Kose, Aydan; Arslantas, Ali (TURKISH NEUROSURGICAL SOC, 2017)AIM: To investigate whether nerve regeneration can be induced in the tubular bone between distal and proximal cut nerve ends. MATERIAL and METHODS: Twenty adult Wistar rats were used for the study. Rats were divided into ...