Browsing by Author "Cevizci, Sibel"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Dezavantajlı öğrencilerde sağlık algısının ve psikososyal becerilerin geliştirilmesi: okul tabanlı bir müdahale çalışması
Cevizci, Sibel; Uludağ, Ayşegül; Babaoğlu, Ülken Tunga; Karaahmet, Elif; Vural, Ahmet; Şahin, Erkan Melih; Özdemir, Hamide; Ünver, Ahmet (2015)AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada, Çanakkale'de bir ilköğretim okulunda dezavantajlı öğrencilerde sağlık algısının ve psikososyal becerilerin geliştirilmesi amaçlandı. YÖNTEM: Müdahale tipteki bu çalışma, "Yerelden Cambridge ve NASA'ya: ... -
The Effect of Working Conditions to the Health Status in Taxi and Bus Drivers in Canakkale, Turkey; Community Based StudyTaksi
Uludag, Aysegul; Cevizci, Sibel; Tekin, Murat; Ertekin, Yusuf Haydar; Sevim, Sezgin; Babaoglu, Ulken; Bakar, Coskun (DERMAN MEDICAL PUBL, 2015)Aim: The growing taxi and bus driver workforce is at risk for poor health status, obesity, hypertension, metabolic syndrome and with increased risk for cardiovascular disease. We aimed to determine the relationship between ... -
Evaluatıng Pestıcıde Use And Safety Practıces Among Farmworkers In Gallıpolı Penınsula, Turkey
Cevizci, Sibel; Babaoglu, Ulken Tunga; Bakar, Coskun (SOUTHEAST ASIAN MINISTERS EDUC ORGANIZATION, 2015)Unsafe pesticide use among farmworkers is a major public health problem in Turkey. This study aimed to investigate pesticide use and safety practices of farmers in a village of Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey This cross sectional ... -
İstanbul’da çalışan Veteriner Hekimlerin iş doyumu ve tükenmişlik düzeyleri
Günümüzde iş sağlığını olumsuz yönde etkileyen düşük iş doyumu ve yüksek tükenmişlik düzeyleri, farklı mesleklerden çok sayıda çalışanı tehdit etmektedir. Bu çalışmada İstanbul’da çalışan veteriner hekimlerin iş doyumu ve ... -
Job Satisfaction and Burnout Level of Veterinarian Working at Istanbul
Babaoglu, Ulken T.; Cevizci, Sibel; Arslan, Murat (KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2012)Low job satisfaction and high levels of job burnout which is a threat to occupational health is affecting a large number of professions. In the present study, it was aimed to identify factors associated with job satisfaction ... -
Job satisfaction and burnout level of veterinarian working at Istanbul [İstanbul' da Çalışan Veteriner Hekímierín İş Doyumu ve Tükenmíşlík Düzeylerí]
Low job satisfaction and high levels of job burnout which is a threat to occupational health is affecting a large number of professions. In the present study, it was aimed to identify factors associated with job satisfaction ... -
Occupational stress and risk factors in veterinary surgeons
Cevizci, Sibel; Babaoğlu Tunga, Ülken; Serpen, Adnan; Yılmaz, Osman; Boyar, Hakan; Çelikel, Suat (2014)Bu çalışmada, veteriner hekimler arasında iş stresinin ve risk faktörlerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Kesitsel tipteki bu çalışma, 2012 yılında web-tabanlı anket aracılığı ile yapıldı. Ankete yanıt veren 223 bireyin verileri ... -
Occupational Stress and Risk Factors in Veterinary Surgeons
Cevizci, Sibel; Babaoglu, Ulken Tunga; Serpen, Adnan; Yilmaz, Osman; Boyar, Hakan; Celikel, Suat (KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2014)The aim of this study was to investigate occupational stress and risk factors among veterinary surgeons. The present cross-sectional study was performed in 2012 via a web-based survey. Data of 223 individuals who responded ... -
Prevalence of Smoking and Risk Factors Among Students at a University in Turkey
Babaoglu, Ulken Tunga; Simsek, Sukran; Ozdenk, Serhat; Demir, Gokce; Cevizci, Sibel (DERMAN MEDICAL PUBL, 2017)Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate smoking prevalence and related risk factors among students at the Health School and Physical Education & Sports School of a university in central Turkey. Material and Method: ... -
Cevizci, Sibel; Babaoglu, Ulken Tunga; Erginoz, Ethem; Issever, Halim (NOBEL ILAC, 2012)Objective: Psychological stress, which deteriorates mental and physical health of individuals at their working environment, is an important problem for public health and health at work. Recent studies have indicated that ... -
The Relation of Pet Ownership, Psychological Stress, Regular Physical Exercise and Smoking in White-Collar Workers of a Special Company in Beşiktaş Region of Istanbul [Istanbul'un Beşiktaş Ilçesi'nde Özel Bir Firmada Beyaz Yakali Çalişanlarda Hayvan Beslemenin Psikolojik Stres, Düzenli Fiziksel Egzersiz Ve Sigara Içme Ile Ilişkisi]
Objective: Psychological stress, which deteriorates mental and physical health of individuals at their working environment, is an important problem for public health and health at work. Recent studies have indicated that ... -
Toxoplasma gondii, mental health and shizophrenia [Toxoplasma gondii, ruh sagli{dotless}gi{dotless} ve şizofreni]
Protecting and promoting of mental health is one of the major application areas of public health. In particular, Toxoplasma gondii, which is a protozoal zoonosis common in Turkey, it is closely related to veterinary public ... -
Toxoplasma gondii, ruh sağlığı ve şizofreni
Ruhsal sağlığın korunması ve geliştirilmesi Halk Sağlığı’nın önemli uğraş alanlarından birisidir. Özellikle, Toxoplasma gondii, Türkiye’de yaygın görülen paraziter-protozoal bir zoonoz olup, veteriner halk sağlığını yakından ...