Browsing by Author "Cevrimli, Bekir S."
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Effects of Fermentation Conditions on Citric Acid Production from Beet Molasses by Aspergillus niger
Cevrimli, Bekir S.; Kariptas, Ergin; Ciftci, Harun (ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2009)The effects of initial sugar concentration, pH and temperature on citric acid production from beet molasses by Aspergillus niger were investigated in shake cultures. The maximum citric acid production (52.3 g L;) was ... -
Multı-Element Determınatıon Of Macro And Trace Elements In Kıdney Of Dmba And Lınalool Applıed Guınea Pıgs By Inductıvely-Coupled Plasma Atomıc Emıssıon Spectrometry (Icp-Aes)
Ciftci, Harun; Dayangac, Alpaslan; Ozkaya, Ahmet; Cevrimli, Bekir S.; Erdag, Raziye; Olcucu, Ali; Ates, Sema (PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2011)Determination of trace elements in biological samples is important because of their vital role in metabolism, health and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by reactive oxygen species, depending on many factors ...