Browsing by Author "Gökkurt, Sevgi Tuğçe"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Dental paleopathologies in western Anatolian skeletons from the Late Eastern Roman Period (Attepe and Derekoy settlements)
Erkman, Ahmet Cem; Ilbey, Selcen; Gökkurt, Sevgi Tuğçe; Ozdemir, Serpil (E Schweızerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2022)The skeletons investigated herein were dated to the Late Eastern Roman Period, at the time of the golden age under the reign of the Macedonian dynasty ruled between 867 and 1056. In the Kutahya region, which acted as a ... -
Domaniç anıtsal tonozlu Roma Dönemi iskeletlerine ait dişlerin lineer mine hipoplazilerinin değerlendirilmesi
Gökkurt, Sevgi Tuğçe (Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, 2019)Bu tez çalışmasında Kütahya ili Domaniç ilçesinden çıkarılan Anıtsal Tonozlu Roma Dönemi iskeletlerinin dişleri, stres göstergelerinden yalnızca birisi olan lineer mine hipoplazileri açısında değerlendirilmiştir. İncelenen ... -
Evaluation of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) in western Anatolian skeletons from the late eastern roman period (Attepe settlements and Derekoy ¨ necropolis)
Erkman, Ahmet Cem; Gökkurt, Sevgi Tuğçe; İlbey, Selcen (Elsevier, 2022)Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH) provides insight of the stresses undergone by ancient communities from a bioarchaeological perspective. This is a first study aiming to determine stress factors causing LEH formation on the ... -
Evaluation of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) in western Anatolian skeletons from the late eastern roman period (Attepe settlements and Dereköy necropolis)
Erkman, Ahmet Cem; Gökkurt, Sevgi Tuğçe; İlbey, Selcen (Elsevier, 2022)Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH) provides insight of the stresses undergone by ancient communities from a bioarchaeological perspective. This is a first study aiming to determine stress factors causing LEH formation on the ...