Browsing by Author "Giynaş K.A."
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An admirer of St. Hussein: Kerbela dirges in diwan of Bahreddin one of the unknown poets of the last century [Bir Hz. Hüseyin âşigi: son asrin meçhul şairlerinden Bahreddîn ve dîvânindaki kerbelâ mersiyeleri]
Giynaş K.A. (Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2013)Dirge is general name of poem after a decendent to express sadness of a valuable thing or to commend them. In Turkish literature, it is seen that liric poems is written for religion and state leader, also especially Hz. ... -
A Bektashian futuvvetname [Bi·r Bektaşi fütüvvet-nâmesi·]
Köksal M.F.; Giynaş K.A. (Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2011)Bektashism and Turkish Akhism, while Arab futuvvet is the source of it, succeeding in creating especially sejherename and indigenous resources and its own culture, appears as affecting Turkish society a long period of time ...