Browsing by Author "Huseyin, Elsad"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Additions to rust and chytrid pathogens of Turkey
Ozaslan, Cumali; Erdogdu, Makbule; Huseyin, Elsad; Suludere, Zekiye (MYCOTAXON LTD, 2015)Uromyces bornmuelleri on Bongardia chrysogonum and Physoderma maculare on Alisma plantago-aquatica have been recently discovered in Turkey. Morphological data obtained by light and scanning electron microscopy of identified ... -
An anamorphic genus and species newly recorded from Turkey
Erdoğdu, Makbule; Huseyin, Elsad (MYCOTAXON LTD, 2009)Diplosporonema delastrei is reported for the first time from Turkey on Silene latifolia subsp. alba. Description and illustrations are presented, all based on Turkish material. -
A contribution to the study of Helotiales and Rhytismatales in Turkey
Erdoğdu, Makbule; Dogan, Gokhan; Huseyin, Elsad; Suludere, Zekiye (MYCOTAXON LTD, 2017)Naemacyclus fimbriatus, Lophodermium juniperinum, and Marssonina daphnes have recently been discovered in Turkey. This is the first record of Naemacyclus from Turkey. Morphological data obtained by light and scanning ... -
Description of the rusts from Kemaliye (Erzincan, Turkey)
Erdoğdu, Makbule; Huseyin, Elsad; Suludere, Zekiye (SPRINGER, 2010)Twenty-two rust diseases caused by Melampsora euphorbiae, M. lini var. lini, Phragmidium mucronatum var. mucronatum, Ph. sanguisorbae, Gymnosporangium cornutum, G. confusum, G. tremelloides, Puccinia acarnae, P. annularis, ... -
Discovery of Thecaphora schwarzmaniana on Rheum ribes in Iran and Turkey: implications for the diversity and phylogeny of leaf smuts on rhubarbs
Vasighzadeh, Asieh; Zafari, Doustmorad; Selcuk, Faruk; Huseyin, Elsad; Kursat, Murat; Lutz, Matthias; Piatek, Marcin (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2014)A leaf smut discovered on wild rhubarb Rheum ribes in Iran and Turkey is evaluated to identify the species. Based on morphological analyses using light and scanning electron microscopy and molecular phylogenetic analyses ... -
Macrofungi of Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan) Autonomous Republic
Seyidova, Hamide; Huseyin, Elsad (TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, 2012)In this article, an attempt has been made to establish the species composition of the macrofungi of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. A total of 73 species of macromycetes were registered, 2 belonging to the ... -
A new genus and two new species records on Helleborus orientalis for Turkey
Erdoğdu, Makbule; Huseyin, Elsad; Selcuk, Faruk; Suludere, Zekiye (GEBRUDER BORNTRAEGER, 2012)Pirottaea veneta, a species of herbicolous discomycetes, and Microsphaeropsis hellebori have been recently discovered on Helleborus orientalis in Turkey. Pirottaea has been recorded as a genus new for Turkey. Morphological ... -
New records of microfungi from Turkey (Bartin Province)
Bulbul, Ali Savas; Huseyin, Elsad (MYCOTAXON LTD, 2013)Cheiromyces stellatus, Coniothyrium ruscicola, Metasphaeria errabunda, Mycosphaerella winteri, Nectria viridescens, Neosetophoma samararum, Oletheriostrigula papulosa and Physalospora eriostega are recorded for the first ... -
Records of microfungi associated with plants in the Kemaliye district, Erzincan, Turkey
Erdoğdu, Makbule; Huseyin, Elsad (GEBRUDER BORNTRAEGER, 2013)A search for microfungi associated with plants in Kemaliye district (Erzincan, Turkey) was carried out. As a result of field and laboratory studies, 89 species on 60 different host plants are listed. These species belong ... -
Second record of Ramularia hypericicola - collected in Turkey on a new host
Selcuk, Faruk; Huseyin, Elsad; Bulbul, Ali S. (MYCOTAXON LTD, 2012)Ramularia hypericicola, a rare anamorphic Mycosphaerella species, is reported and illustrated from Turkey on Hypericum calycinum. The Turkish collection represents the second report of this fungus, known hitherto only from ... -
The world's second record of Hyalodictyum colchicum reported from Turkey
Erdoğdu, Makbule; Huseyin, Elsad (MYCOTAXON LTD, 2007)Hyalodictyum colchicum, a rare coelomycete, is reported and illustrated from Turkey on Quercus pubcscens. This is only the second locality reported for this fungus.