Browsing by Author "Karadavut, Ufuk"
Now showing items 1-20 of 44
Anadolu mandası malaklarında büyüme eğrisinin çeşitli doğrusal olmayan modeller kullanılarak karşılaştırılması
Bu araştırmada, doğrusal olmayan modeller ile Anadolu mandalarının canlı ağırlıklarındaki değişimi açıklamak için en iyi matematiksel modelin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu hedefle, Tokat ili ve ilçelerinde 2011-2012 yılları ... -
Analysis of the Factors Affecting Men's Attitudes Toward Cosmetic Surgery: Body Image, Media Exposure, Social Network Use, Masculine Gender Role Stress and Religious Attitudes
Abbas, Ozan Luay; Karadavut, Ufuk (SPRINGER, 2017)Background Cosmetic surgery is no longer just for females. More men are opting for cosmetic procedures, with marked increases seen in both minimally invasive and surgical options over the last decade. Compared to females, ... -
Application of multivariate statistical analysis in the assessment of surface water quality in Seyfe Lake, Turkey
Kıymaz, Sultan; Karadavut, Ufuk (2014)Çok değişkenli istatistiksel yöntemler birçok alanda başarıyla kullanılmaktadır. Kümeleme ve temel bileşenler analiz yöntemleri en çok kullanılan yöntemlerdendir. Bu çalışmada, Seyfe Gölü’nden elde edilen su kalitesi ... -
Bazı Yeşil Mercimek Genotiplerinde Dane Verimi ve Verim Komponentleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin Belirlenmesi
Sözen, Ömer; Karadavut, Ufuk (2017)Kırşehir ili ekolojik koşullarında yetiştiriciliği yapılan mercimek genotiplerinde verim ve verime etki eden unsurların belirlenmesi ile bu unsurlar arasındaki ilişkilerin ortaya koyulmasını amaçlayan bu araştırma 2013 ve ... -
Behavioural responses of white and bronze turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) to tonic immobility, gait score and open field tests in free-range system
Taskin, Atilla; Karadavut, Ufuk; Cayan, Huseyin (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2018)This study was carried out to investigate the behavioural responses of white and bronze turkeys to tonic immobility (TI), gait score (GS) and open field (OF) tests in a free-range system. 144 female turkeys (72 white and ... -
A Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Some Nonlinear Models of Leaf Area Estimation of Sugar Beet at Different Nitrogen Levels
Kıymaz, Sultan; Karadavut, Ufuk; Ertek, Ahmet (2018)Leaf area is related to many physiological and agronomic studies including growth, photosynthesis, transpiration, and energy balance. The study aimed to determine the leaf area estimation of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) ... -
Comparison of growth curve models in Japanese quail raised in cages enriched with different colored lights
Karadavut, Ufuk; Taskin, Atilla; Genc, Serdar (REVISTA BRASILEIRA ZOOTECNIA BRAZILIAN JOURNAL ANIMAL SCI, 2017)This study compared the growth curve models for the live weight and body length of Japanese quail raised under lights of various colors. The Brody, Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy growth models were used to investigate the ... -
Comparison of Growth Curve Using Some Nonlinear Models in Anatolian Buffaloe Calves
Sahin, Aziz; Ulutas, Zafer; Karadavut, Ufuk; Yildirim, Arda; Arslan, Servet (KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2014)The aim of the research was to detect the best model to explain the variation of live weight of Anatolian buffaloes using the nonlinear models. For this purpose, in the production period of 2011- 2012, live weight records ... -
Correlation And Path Analysis For Yield Performance And Yield Components Of Chıckpea (Cıcer Arıetınum L.) Genotypes Cultivated In Central Anatolia
Sozen, Omer; Karadavut, Ufuk (PAKISTAN BOTANICAL SOC, 2018)A total of 22 genotypes, including 18 chickpeas varieties registered by Private Sector and Agricultural Research Institutes and 4 domestic populations were studied under Central Anatolian ecological conditions, in 2013 and ... -
Determination Of Direct And Indirect Relations Between Some Yield Characters Of Red Lentil Cultivars
Sozen, Omer; Karadavut, Ufuk (PAKISTAN BOTANICAL SOC, 2017)This study was conducted in 2013 and 2014 by using 10 red lentil cultivars registered by the research institutes, universities and private sector in the ecological conditions of Central Anatolia Region to determine the ... -
Determination of Genotype x Environment Interactions of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes by Using Different Stability Methods
Sozen, Omer; Karadavut, Ufuk (ANKARA UNIV, FAC AGR, 2018)This study was carried out to determine the productive responses of 10 chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes to different places and years. Hasanbey, Aksu, Seckin, Damla 89, Gulumser, Cagatay, Sezenbey, loci, Gokce and ... -
Determination of outlier in live-weight performance data of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) by Dfbeta and Dfbetas techniques
Bahadir, Burhan; Inci, Hakan; Karadavut, Ufuk (PAGEPRESS PUBL, 2014)This study aimed to determine the outlier values in live-weight performance data of Japanese quails. Japanese quails were grown under the same conditions, and, after being divided according to gender, the live weight data ... -
Determination of Outliers in Growing Quail's Data with Different Sample Size
Karadavut, Ufuk; Taşkın, Atilla (2017)Bu çalışmanın amacı, Japon bıldırcını vücut ağırlığı verilerinde aykırı değerleri incelemektir. Robust Regresyon tahmin yöntemi olan M tahmin yönteminin MSS alternatifi olarak kullanmaktır. Çalışmada 15 hafta boyunca, 150 ... -
Determination of the Relationship between Yield and Yield Components of Winter Red Lentil Genotypes under the Conditions of Amik Plain
Sözen, Ömer; Karadavut, Ufuk (2017)The study was carried out for two years under the farming conditions in Kırıkhan/Hatay, Turkey with 16 red lentil genotypes including 14 lines and two control varieties, during the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 cultivation ... -
The Determınatıon Of Some Genotypıc And Phenotypıc Parameters For Chemıcal Composıtıon Of Some Bean Genotypes
Sozen, Omer; Karadavut, Ufuk (PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2017)This study was conducted in producer fields in Central Anatolia Region in 2009-2012. Ten different genotypes were used as planting material. Trials were conducted in the randomized blocks design with four replications. The ... -
Effect of selection for body weight in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) on some production traits
Taskin, Atilla; Karadavut, Ufuk; Tunca, Rahsan Ivgin; Genc, Serdar; Cayan, Huseyin (AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE, 2017)The aim of the study was to identify quails which have different body weight for some production traits such as egg production, egg characteristics, daily feed consumption and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The selection was ... -
The Effects Of Dıfferent Doses Of Boron On The Growth Parameters Of Some Maıze Genotypes
Karadavut, Ufuk; Sozen, Omer; Palta, Cetin (PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2017)Maize is one of the important cereals in Turkey. High boron concentration effects to lose yield of maize plants. This study was conducted to determine effects of different doses of boron on growth parameters of maize ... -
The effects of environmental enrichment objects on behaviors of Japanese quails at different cage stocking densities
Taskin, Atilla; Karadavut, Ufuk (AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE, 2017)The aim of this study is to investigate the behaviors of and monitor the changes on behaviors of Japanese quails reared in different stocking density, through using different objects, (small red balls, bunch of rope, mirrors ... -
Effects of varying nitrogen fertilizer application rates on chemical composition of permanent grassland in Turkey
Karadavut, Ufuk; Palta, Cetin; Carkaci, Durmus Ali (ARS DOCENDI, 2017)The aim of this study was to determine the chemical changes in the pasture affected by different doses of nitrogen fertilizers and harvest times. It was carried out at Central Anatolian Region during the seasons of 2011 ... -
The effects of weed density and different weed control applications on yield and yield components of chickpea cultivars
Yılar, Melih; Sözen, Ömer; Karadavut, Ufuk (Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2020)This study was conducted to determine the effects of weed density and different weed control treatments on chickpea yield and yield components. The experiment was carried out in split plot design with 3 replications in ...