Browsing by Author "Mutlu, P."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Cellular internalization of Bortezomib loaded CS MNPs by cervical cancer cells
Unsoy, G.; Yalcin, S.; Khodadust, R.; Mutlu, P.; Pourianazar, N. Taghavi; Gunduz, U. (WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2014)… -
Identıfıcatıon Of Il-6-174g/C Promoter Polymorphısm In Chronıc Myeloıd Leukemıa
Yalcin, S.; Mutlu, P.; Ozgur, G.; Cetin, T.; Nevruz, O.; Avcu, F. (FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, 2013)…