Browsing by Author "Oruç, Muhammet Ali"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Analysis Of Intramuscular Injectıons Admınıstered In A Family Health Center
Öztürk, Onur; Tunç, Taner; Esen, Murat; Okuyucu, Muhammed; Oruç, Muhammet Ali (Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, 2022)Objectives: In this study, the objective was to evaluate the intramuscular injections administered to patients admitted to a family health center with sociodemographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: This is a ... -
Attitudes of health care professionals towards COVID-19 vaccine - a sequence from Turkey
Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Öztürk, Onur (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2021)The purpose of this study is to evaluate the attitudes of healthcare professionals toward the COVID −19 vaccine, which has been introduced to healthcare professionals at the beginning of 2021 and give information to them ... -
Can Dehydroepiandosterone Prevent Chemotherapy-Related Damage? Investigation of Protective Effects of Dehydroepiandosterone Against Paclitaxel-İnduced Toxicity Damage İn Rat Ovaries
Sakin, Önder; Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Anğin, Ali Doğukan; Alan, Yasemin; Gökkaya, Mustafa; Sağdıç, Hasan; Mat, Emre; Başak, Kayhan; Alan, Murat (Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, 2020)Our aim is to evaluate whether dehydroepiandosterone has a protective effect on paclitaxel-induced ovarian damage. Group 1 (the control group): No treatment was administered. Intact ovarian tissue was removed and blood ... -
Characteristics of tuberculosis-related deaths and risk factors: a retrospective cohort study in Samsun province of Turkey
Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Özdemir, Şule; Öztomurcuk, Derya (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022)Objectives: Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the top ten leading causes of death worldwide despite effective therapy. The present study aims to examine the characteristics of TB-related deaths in Samsun Province and to ... -
Comparison of The Protective Effects of Betamethasone, Dexamethasone And Methylprednisolone İn İschemia/Reperfusion İnjury of Rat Ovary
Anğin, Ali Doğukan; Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Sakin, Önder; Koyuncu, Kazibe; Çıkman, Muzaffer Seyhan; Alan, Yasemin; Başak, Kahyan; Kaptanağasi, Asuman Orçun; Alan, Murat (Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, 2020)Our aim is to evaluate the protective effect of dexamethasone, methylprednisolone and betamethasone treatment against ischemia-reperfusion damage created experimentally in rat ovaries. For this study, 30 female Wistar ... -
The Effect Of Pregnancy Follow-Up On Bırth Expectatıons In Prımary Health Care [Birinci Basamak Sağlık Hizmetlerindeki Gebe Takiplerinin Doğum Beklentisi Üzerine Etkisi]
Yazıcıoğlu, Bahadır; Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Türe, Eda; Müderrisoğlu, Seçil; Çubukçu, Mahcube (Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, 2021)Objectives: Pregnancy is a period with physical, emotional and social consequences. These results can be positive, such as joy and happiness, or negative, such as stress and anxiety. Negative consequences can cause fear ... -
Evaluation of Protective Effects of Mirtazapine and Mesna on Cisplatin-İnduced Ovarian Damage in Rats
Sakin, Önder; Angın, Ali Doğukan; Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Akalın, Emine Eda; Çıkman, Muzaffer Seyhan; Basak, Kayhan; Alan, Yasemin; Kaptanagasi, Asuman Orcun; Alan, Murat; Öktem, Abdülmecit (Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, 2021)To evaluate whether mirtazapine and mesna have protective effects on cisplatin-induced ovarian injury. A total of 32 female Wistar Albino rats were divided into 4 groups (8 rats per group) and included in the study. No ... -
Evaluation of stillbirths and infant mortality before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective study
Özdemir, Şule; Oruç, Muhammet Ali (Taylor & Francıs Ltd., 2022)Objective The maternal-child health services remain an important indicator to look at how different countries have handled the pandemic. This study aims to investigate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and ... -
Evaluation Of The Patient Consultations For Admission To Palliative Care: A Descriptive Study
Öztürk, Onur; Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Göktepe, Muhammed Emin; Yağlioğlu, Latife Merve; Okuyucu, Muhammed (Geriatrics Society, 2022)Introduction: It is essential to comply with palliative care philosophy during consultations for hospitalisation purposes between specific medical branches and specialised palliative care services (SPCS). We aimed to ... -
Gambling Disorder: The Data from Samsun Province
Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Aras, Neriman; Çelebi, Demet Ünsal (Turkısh Green Crescent Soc, 2021)This study aims to identify the characteristics of patients who sought treatment for gambling disorder in the province of Samsun. The study data were obtained from the files of individuals who were referred to the AMATEM ... -
Genotype Distribution and Prevalence of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection among Women in Samsun Province of Turkey
Taşkın, Mehmet Hakan; Nursal, Ayşe Feyda; Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Kariptaş, Ergin (Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention, 2022)Background: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is an important public health problem that can cause cervical cancer. HPVs were classified into high-risk (HR-HPV) and low-risk (LR-HPV) types. In this study, we aimed to determine ... -
Results from a cervical cancer screening program in Samsun, Turkey
Arslan, Hatice Nilden; Oruç, Muhammet Ali (BioMed Central Ltd, 2022)Background: Cervical cancer is a preventable disease. This study aimed to share the results of the national cervical cancer screening program performed in primary health care institutions in Samsun between 2015 and 2019. ... -
Results of newborn hearing screening in tepecik education and research hospital
Oruç, Muhammet Ali; Alan, Yasemin; Mercan, Gül Caner; Taner, Cüneyt Eftal; Öncel, Mehmet Yekta; Alan, Murat; Öktem, Abdülmecit (Kare Publishing, 2021)Objectives: This study aimed to emphasize the significance of newborn hearing screening for detecting congenital hearing loss within the first 6 months of birth. Methods: The data of 5399 infants born in the Izmir University ...