Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Mineralogical, geochemical and gemological investigation of artova ch-chalcedonies, tokat – Turkey
(Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020)
Ch-chalcedony is a green colored member of the quartz group of gem stones. The appearance of Ch-chalcedony is very similar to that of chrysoprase. Differently, Ch-chalsedonies have a chromium element instead of a nickel ...
Genetic characterization of native donkey (Equus asinus) populations of Turkey using microsatellite markers
(MDPI AG, 2020)
This study presents the first insights to the genetic diversity and structure of the Turkish donkey populations. The primary objectives were to detect the main structural features of Turkish donkeys by microsatellite ...
Assessments of anxiety levels and working conditions of health employees working in COVİD-19 pandemic hospitals
(Modestum Ltd., 2020)
The study aims to identify health care workers’ risk of COVID-19 and to determine employees’ views on working conditions and the fight against COVID-19 in general, and to present their concerns. The study utilized a survey ...
Black carbon traces of human activities in stalagmites from Turkey
(Elsevier Inc., 2020)
Speleothems are recognized as sensitive recorders of climatic fluctuations in the past and provide precisely dated and highly resolved environmental records. However, their potential as an archaeological archive is not ...
Spatio-temporal Variations of Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide in Turkey Based on Satellite Remote Sensing
(Unıv & Novom Sadu, 2020)
The satellite observations of NO2 acquire the total tropospheric column over an area white the current ground observations lack spatial and temporal coverage. In this study the Dutch Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) NO2 ...