Now showing items 1-10 of 43
Lomber disk herniasyonunda neovaskülarizasyonla ilişkili rezorbsiyon mekanizmaları
Lomber disk herniasyonu (LDH) bel ağrısı ve siyatiğin önemli bir nedenidir. LDH’nın magnetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) ile incelenmesi neo-vaskülarizasyonla ilişkili rezorbsiyon mekanizmasını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Aktive ...
Kalça Ağrısının Nadir Bir Sebebi: Kalçanın Geçici Osteoporozu-İki Olgu Sunumu
Kalçanın geçici osteoporozu (KGO) özellikle orta yaşlı erkekleri ve gebeliğin üçüncü trimesterindeki kadınları etkileyen etiyolojisi bilinmeyen nadir görülen bir hastalıktır. Semptomların kendiliğinden rezolüsyonu ile ...
Kırsal Bölgede Yaşayan Risk Grubu Kadınların Osteoporoz Bilgi ve Farkındalık Düzeyi
Amaç: Ortalama yaşam süresinin uzaması, yaşlı nüfusun artması, sedanter yaşam tarzı ve düzensiz beslenme yanında pek çok hastalık ya da ilaç kullanımı osteoporoza eğilimi arttırır. Riskli gruptaki osteoporoza bağlı kırıkların ...
Knowledge Level and Awareness about Osteoporosis among Risk Group of Rural Women
Objective: Prolongation of the average life expectancy, increase in the elderly population, sedentary lifestyle, irregular eating habits; many diseases or drug usage increase predisposition to osteoporosis. The treatment ...
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in a Child: A Case Report
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a painful clinical condition that usually seen on the distal extremity, affects children and adults. It is more common in adults. CRPS is usually characterized by severe pain, ...
The evaluation of opinions of the parents of children with cerebral palsy on exercise therapy applied in Special Education and Rehabilitation Centers in rural areas
Determining Risk Factors in Cumulative Trauma Disorders of Computer Users and Effects of Risk Factors on Disability
(AVES, 2015)
Objective: The aim was to determine the rate of cumulative trauma disorders (CTD) among computer users, to question the risk factors concerning CTD, to assess the disability and depression levels of patients, and to examine ...
Rare Cause of Hip Pain: Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip-Two Case Reports
Transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH) is a rare disease affecting especially middle-aged men and women in the third trimester of pregnancy with unknown etiology. It has a benign course with spontaneous resolution. Transient ...
The Association of Skinfold Anthropometric Measures, Body Composition and Disease Severity in Obese and Non-obese Fibromyalgia Patients: A Cross-sectional Study
Objectives: This study aims to determine the effects of obesity and obesity related anthropometric and body composition determiners on the severity of fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) and to compare obese, overweight and normoweight ...
Alcoholic Neuropathy with Superimposed Focal Entrapment Neuropathies
We reported here a case of alcoholic polyneuropathy with superimposed focal entrapment neuropathies. A 55-year-old male patient was admitted to the electrophysiology unit with the diagnosis of left ulnar neuropathy. He had ...