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Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Competencies in the Process of Transformation Between Representations for the Concept of Limit: A Qualitative Study
(Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık Egitim Danısmanlik Hizmetleri Ticaret A.S., 2020)In this study, external representations and the problems encountered related transformation process between representations towards limit concept were investigated. “Limit Representation Conversion Test” was administered ... -
Understanding Students' and Science Educators' Eco-Labeled Food Purchase Behaviors: Extension Of Theory of Planned Behavior With Self-Identity, Personal Norm, Willingness to Pay, and Eco-Label Knowledge
(Taylor & Francıs Inc, 2021)This study aims to understand antecedents of students' and science educators' purchasing behaviors for eco-labeled foods with the extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model including self-identity, personal norm, ... -
Pre-Service Science and Mathematics Teachers’ Teaching Efficacy Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Teaching: A Partial Correlation Research
(Social Science Press, 2020)Teachers with a high level of self-efficacy and positive attitudes are more likely to use new and constructivist approaches and to create a learning environment in which students may develop 21st-century skills. Examining ... -
Evaluating science teachers' flipped learning readiness: a GETAMEL approach test
(Routledge Journals, 2023)Flipped learning has become an ally in education. However, although the literature has identified multiple benefits of using this strategy to improve student learning outcomes, its adoption and implementation by teachers ... -
New Sulfonylhydrazones Contaınıng Methane Sulfonıc Acıd Hydrazıde Havıng Human Antı-Carbonıc Anhydrase And Antımıcrobıal Actıvıty: Synthesıs, Spectroscopıc Characterızatıon, Electrochemıcal Propertıes, And Bıologıcal Actıvıtıes
(Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2021)In this work, new sulfonylhydrazones nomenclatured as 3,5-ditertbutylsalicylaldehyde methanesulfonylhydrazone (II), 3-tertbutylsalicylaldehyde methanesulfonylhydrazone (III), and 5-bromosalicyl-aldehyde methanesulfonylhydrazone ... -
The Similarities of Acquisitions towards STEM Activity in Science Course Teaching Curricula: in Turkey Physical Events/New Zealand Physical World
(Hacettepe University, 2022)In this study Physical events/physical world achievements taking place in New Zealand and Turkey Science Course Teaching Curriculums were examined a towards STEM activity and the comparison of the similarities of the ... -
Drivers of teachers' intentions to use mobile applications to teach science
(Springer, 2022)Using mobile applications in science education has proven to be effective as it adds multiple benefits including learning gains, motivation to learn, and collaborative learning. However, some teachers are reluctant to use ... -
Investigating Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Definitions, Formulas, and Graphs of Directly and Inversely Proportional Relationships
(University of Montana - ScholarWorks, 2022)This study investigates 48 preservice middle school teachers’ formal textbook definitions, formulas, and graphs of the directly and inversely proportional relationships. The connections among these three types of representations ... -
An examination of the effect of technology-based STEM education training in the framework of technology acceptance model
(Springer, 2022)The aim of this study is threefold: (1) to present a valid and reliable scale in the framework of the Technology Acceptance Model; (2) to reveal factors affecting pre-service science teachers’ intentions to use technology-based ... -
Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes towards STEM: Differences Based on Multiple Variables and the Relationship with Academic Achievement
(Int Soc Technology Educatıon & Scıence-Istes, 2021)STEM education has benefits for students, such as increasing achievement and improving attitudes, motivation, interest toward STEM disciplines, and higher-order thinking skills. Teachers' characteristics, perceptions, and ... -
A comprehensive model explaining teachers' intentions to use mobile-based assessment
(Routledge Journals, 2023)This study was conducted to understand pre-service and in-service teachers' intentions to use mobile-based assessment in classes by integrating theory of planned behaviour, technology acceptance model, and self-determination ... -
Measures and Gap Analysis on the Impact of NonIndigenous Species on the Black Sea Ecosystem
(Zoologıcal Soc Pakıstan, 2022)Overseas transportation of non-indigenous species (NIS) and their permanent habitation of secondary regions pose a critical threat that adversely affects the marine environment and marine based economic activities and ... -
Facilitating the development of Preservice teachers' proportional reasoning in geometric similarity problems using augmented reality activities
(Springer, 2020)The literature reports preservice teachers' overuse of proportionality when solving geometric similarity problems with nonproportional relationships. Changing this type of error is reported as difficult even after applying ... -
Local Names And Ethnobotanıc Characterıstıcs Of Some Plants Around Seyfe Lake
(Scibulcom Ltd., 2022)In this research, local names and usage areas of some plants have been compiled and given with the ethnobotanical study carried out in and around Seyfe Lake (Kırsehir) in 2018 and 2019. This study was carried out to determine ... -
Contributions on the southern distribution of Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Turkiye
(Tubıtak Scıentıfıc & Technıcal Research Councıl Turkey, 2022)Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758, has a wide distribution from France to Japan, and from Iran in the south to Scandinavia and Russia in the north. The only records of the parti-coloured bat, Vespertilio murinus known ... -
An integrated model for examining teachers' intentions to use augmented reality in science courses
(Springer, 2022)Many studies show that augmented reality (AR) provides multiple benefits to science education, including learning gains, motivation to learn, and collaborative learning. However, while using AR largely depends on the ... -
Mappings that preserve helices in the n -dimensional Minkowski spaces
(World Scientific, 2020)We introduce two types of mappings that preserve nonnull helices in Minkowski spaces. The first type constructs helices in the n-dimensional Minkowski space from helices in the same Minkowski space. The second type constructs ... -
Pre-service science teachers’ perceptual biases regarding sustainable food consumption: Negative footprint illusion
(İsmail Sahin, 2020)Global warming presents a threat for human and nature systems. For a few decades, sustainable food consumption behaviors have been considered remarkable to protect environmental sources. Changes in food consumption behaviors ... -
Quaternıonic Bertrand Curves Accordıng To Type 2-Quaternıonıc Frame In R-4
(Ankara Üniversitesi, 2021)In this paper, we give some characterizations of quaternionic Bertrand curves whose torsion is non-zero but bitorsion is zero in R-4 according to Type 2-Quaternionic Frame. One of the most important points in working on ... -
Soliton theory and modulation instability analysis: The Ivancevic option pricing model in economy
(Elsevier, 2022)In this projected paper, we study on the Ivancevic option pricing model. We apply two important methods, namely, rational sine-Gordon expansion method which is recently developed, and secondly, modified exponential method. ...