Browsing Yayın Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 8-13 of 13
Local Names And Ethnobotanıc Characterıstıcs Of Some Plants Around Seyfe Lake
(Scibulcom Ltd., 2022)In this research, local names and usage areas of some plants have been compiled and given with the ethnobotanical study carried out in and around Seyfe Lake (Kırsehir) in 2018 and 2019. This study was carried out to determine ... -
Pre-service science teachers’ perceptual biases regarding sustainable food consumption: Negative footprint illusion
(İsmail Sahin, 2020)Global warming presents a threat for human and nature systems. For a few decades, sustainable food consumption behaviors have been considered remarkable to protect environmental sources. Changes in food consumption behaviors ... -
The Similarities of Acquisitions towards STEM Activity in Science Course Teaching Curricula: in Turkey Physical Events/New Zealand Physical World
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2022)In this study Physical events/physical world achievements taking place in New Zealand and Turkey Science Course Teaching Curriculums were examined a towards STEM activity and the comparison of the similarities of the ... -
The Similarities of Acquisitions towards STEM Activity in Science Course Teaching Curricula: in Turkey Physical Events/New Zealand Physical World
(Hacettepe University, 2022)In this study Physical events/physical world achievements taking place in New Zealand and Turkey Science Course Teaching Curriculums were examined a towards STEM activity and the comparison of the similarities of the ... -
Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının Okul Deneyimi derslerine yönelik tutumları
(2010)Öğretmen eğitiminde yaşanan son reformlar bu eğitimin geçmişe göre daha uygulamalı bir yapıya sahip olması gerektiğini göstermektedir. Buna paralel olarak 1997’de YÖK tarafından yeniden yapılandırılan öğretmen eğitimi ... -
Understanding Pre-Service Teachers’ Mobile Learning Readiness Using Theory of Planned Behavior
(International Forum of Educational Technology,National Taiwan Normal Universityand Society, 2021)The study aimed to understand pre-service teachers’ mobile learning readiness with Theory of Planned Behavior using external salient beliefs. There were nine hypotheses tested with a total of 533 pre-service teachers in ...