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Sexual dimorphism in the Anatolian endemic tiger beetle, Cephalota circumdata ssp. cappadocica Franzen, 1996 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae): A study showing the effectiveness of geometric morphometrics
(Entomological Society of Turkey, 2020)Sexual dimorphism is an important source of intraspecies variation in tiger beetles. However, little is known about sexual dimorphism in tiger beetles. This article contributes the literature in the field of sexual dimorphism ... -
Archaeologıcal And Analytıcal Investıgatıon Of A New Neolıthıc Sıte In Western Anatolıa: Eksı Hoyuk (Denızlı, Turkey)
(Unıv Agean, 2023)Archaeological excavations in the western half of Anatolia in the Lake District and the Aegean coast had provided significant findings on how and when the Neolithic lifestyle emerged in these regions. However, until the ... -
The late antique opus sectile pavement of tarsus roman bath
(Bursa Uludag University, 2020)During the salvage excavations in the ruins of the Roman Bath in the city center of Tarsus, In trench 2 of area II, a well-preserved opus sectile floor was discovered. The aim of this article is to introduce and evaluate ... -
Morphometric analysis of calcaneal (Heel) spurs in ancient and modern anatolian populations
(Universidad de la Frontera, 2020)Heel spurs are the bony protrusion seen especially on the dorsal and plantar face of the calcaneus bone at the attachment site of the muscles. It was aimed herein to obtain data about the life styles, daily lives, and ... -
Evaluation of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) in western Anatolian skeletons from the late eastern roman period (Attepe settlements and Dereköy necropolis)
(Elsevier, 2022)Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH) provides insight of the stresses undergone by ancient communities from a bioarchaeological perspective. This is a first study aiming to determine stress factors causing LEH formation on the ... -
Hellenistic rhodian amphorae and amphora stamps excavated at elaiussa [Elaiussa'da ele gecen hellenistik donem rhodos amphora ve amphora muhurleri]
(Simurg Kitapclk, Yaynclk ve Datm Ltd. ti., 2014)Elaiussa, known as Elaiussa Sebaste during the Roman Imperial period, is a port city between the Kalykadnos and Lamos Rivers in the Olba Region of Cilicia. Excavations at Elaiussa have brought to light Rhodian amphora ... -
Baetica amphorae from Elaiussa Sebaste [Elaiussa sebaste'den baetica üreti·mi· amphoralar]
(2014)Elaiussa Sebaste, which is located in Cilicia Tracheia, within the borders of Mersin (Turkey), has been a part of the vivid commercial activities in the Mediterranean since the Hellenistic Period up to the 7th century AD ... -
Hellenistic Rhodian Amphorae and Amphora Stamps Excavated at Elaiussa
(SUNA & INAN KIRAC RESEARCH INST MEDITERRANEAN CIVILIZATIONS, 2014)Elaiussa, known as Elaiussa Sebaste during the Roman Imperial period, is a port city between the Kalykadnos and Lamos Rivers in the Olba Region of Cilicia. Excavations at Elaiussa have brought to light Rhodian amphora ... -
Dorylaion Moldmade Bowls
(MERSIN UNIV PUBL RES CENTER CILICIAN ARCHAEOLOGY, 2015)The excavation site of Dorylaion, which is now known as Sarhoyuk, is located about 3 km to the North East of Eskisehir, 2 km to the South of the Porsuk river. The site is located at the junction of important roads in central ... -
Baetica Amphorae from Elaiussa Sebaste
(MERSIN UNIV PUBL RES CENTER CILICIAN ARCHAEOLOGY, 2014)Elaiussa Sebaste, which is located in Cilicia Tracheia, within the borders of Mersin (Turkey), has been a part of the vivid commercial activities in the Mediterranean since the Hellenistic Period up to the 7th century AD ...