Güncel Gönderiler: Matematik Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 315, listelenen: 21-40
Calderon-Zygmund Operators Assocıated Wıth Schrodınger Operator And Theır Commutators On Vanıshıng Generalızed Morrey Spaces
(Inst Applıed Mathematıcs, 2022)We establish the boundedness of Calderon-Zygmund operators associated with Schrodinger operator and their commutators on vanishing generalized Morrey spaces. -
The Identıcal Characterıstıc Of A Rıng
(Kangwon-Kyungkı Mathematıcal Soc, 2020)In this paper, a new characterization concept is introduced for rings with identity, called the identical characteristic. Some general results are obtained for various ring classes and illustrated by several examples. -
Reversible ring property via idempotent elements
(De Gruyter Open Ltd, 2022)Regarding the question of how idempotent elements affect the reversible property of rings, we study a version of reversibility depending on idempotents. In this perspective, we introduce right (resp., left) e-reversible ... -
Some new insights into ideal convergence and subsequences
(Hacettepe University, 2022)Some results on the sets of almost convergent, statistically convergent, uniformly statistically convergent, I-convergent subsequences of (sn) have been obtained by many authors via establishing a one-to-one correspondence ... -
Anisotropic fractional maximal commutators with BMO functions on anisotropic Morrey-type spaces
(Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 2020)In the present paper, we shall give necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of anisotropic fractional maximal commutator Mb,αd on anisotropic local Morrey-type spaces, when b belongs to BMO spaces, by which ... -
Matrix Application of Power Increasing Sequences to Infinite Series and Fourier Series
(Springer, 2020)We consider a generalization, under weaker conditions, of the main theorem on quasi-σ-power increasing sequences applied to |A, ✓n|k summability factors of infinite series and Fourier series. We obtain some new and known ... -
Mappings that transform helices from Euclidean space to Minkowski space
(Hacettepe University, 2022)In this study, we introduce mappings that transform helices in Euclidean n -space to non-null helices in Minkowski n -space or Minkowski (n + 1)-space. Furthermore, we show that these mappings preserve the axes of the ... -
Calderón-Zygmund operators and their commutators on generalized weighted Orlicz-Morrey spaces
(World Scientific, 2022)In this paper, we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for the weak/strong boundedness of the Calderón-Zygmund operators in generalized weighted Orlicz-Morrey spaces. We also study the boundedness of the commutators ... -
On behaviour of Darbo fixed point theorem under function sequences
(Yokohama Publications, 2019)A lot of work has been done on fixed point studies using function classes. In this work, the existence of fixed point is investigated by taking function sequences instead of function classes. This idea has been applied to ... -
Some Special Legendre Mates of Spherical Legendre Curves
(Unıv Punjab, 2022)In this study, we consider some special mates of spherical Legendre curves by using Legendre frame along spherical front or frontal on Euclidean unit sphere. In this sense, we define orthogonal-type and parallel-type ... -
A New Type Of Contractıon Vıa Measure Of Non-Compactness Wıth An Applıcatıon To Volterra Integral Equatıon
(Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2022)Darbo fixed point theorem is a powerful tool which is used in many fields in mathemati s. Be ause of this feature, many generalizations of this theorem and its relations with other subjects have been investigated. Here we ... -
On the Generalizations of Some Factors Theorems for Infinite Series and Fourier Series
(University of Nis, 2019)Quite recently, Bor [Quaest. Math. (doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2019.1578836, in press)] has proved a new result on weighted arithmetic mean summability factors of non decreasing sequences and application on Fourier series. ... -
Decomposıtıon Of Soft Contınuıty Vıa Soft Locally B-Closed Set
(Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020)In this paper, we introduce soft locally b-closed sets in soft topological spaces which are defined over an initial universe with a fixed set of parameters and study some of their properties. We investigate their relationships ... -
Photocatalytic performance of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide binary system on degradation of humic matter
(Elsevier B.V., 2020)Application of photocatalysis using TiO2 or ZnO for the removal of natural organic matter (NOM) dates back more than two decades. Aiming to overcome the drawbacks of sole photocatalysts, use of multiphasic systems has ... -
A new extension on absolute matrix summability factors of infinite series
(Amer Inst Physıcs, 2019)In this paper, we have generalized a new summability factor theorem for infinite series involving quasi power increasing sequences. Some new results are also deduced. -
A new generalization on absolute Riesz summability
(Amer Inst Physıcs, 2019)In this paper, we have extended a theorem dealing with absolute Riesz summability. -
Semicommutativity of rings by the way of idempotents
(University of Nis, 2019)In this paper, we focus on the semicommutative property of rings via idempotent elements. In this direction, we introduce a class of rings, so-called right e-semicommutative rings. The notion of right e-semicommutative ... -
On developing an optimal Jarratt-like class for solving nonlinear equations
(Forum-Editrice Universitaria Udinese SRL, 2020)It is attempted to derive an optimal class of methods without memory from Ozban’s method [A. Y. Ozban, Some New Variants of Newton’s Method, Appl. Math. Lett. 17 (2004) 677-682]. To this end, we try to introduce a weight ... -
Maximal function and fractional integral associated with Laplace-Bessel differential operators on generalized Morrey spaces
(Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 2022)In this work we study the boundedness of the maximal and fractional integral operators associated with Laplace-Bessel differential operators on generalized Morrey spaces. © 2022, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, ... -
Rings having normality in terms of the Jacobson radical
(Springer, 2020)A ring R is defined to be J-normal if for any a, r∈ R and idempotent e∈ R, ae= 0 implies Rera⊆ J(R) , where J(R) is the Jacobson radical of R. The class of J-normal rings lies between the classes of weakly normal rings and ...