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Güncel Gönderiler
V-Semi-Slant Submersions From Almost Product Riemannian Manifolds
(Palestine Polytechnic University, 2020)In the present paper, we study v-semi-slant submersions from almost product Rie-mannian manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds. We investigate the integrability of distributions, the geometry of fibers. We also deal with the ... -
Reflexivity of Rings Via Nilpotent Elements
(Unıon Matematıca Argentına, 2020)An ideal I of a ring R is called left N-reflexive if for any a 2 nil(R) and b is an element of R, aRb subset of I implies bRa subset of I, where nil(R) is the set of all nilpotent elements of R. The ring R is called left ... -
Parameter Estimation By Type-2 Fuzzy Logic In Case That Data Set Has Outlier
(Ankara Unıv, 2020)One of the problems encountered in estimating the unknown parameters of the regression models is the presence of outliers in the data set. This situation may cause problems in providing some assumptions such as the normal ... -
Pointwise Bi-Slant Submersions From Cosymplectic Manifolds
(Ankara Unıv, 2020)We introduce pointwise bi-slant submersions from cosymplectic manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds as a generalization of anti-invariant, semi-invariant, semi-slant, hemi-slant, pointwise semi-slant, pointwise hemi-slant ... -
On Soft Intersection Leibniz Algebras
(Indıan Nat Scı Acad, 2020)The main goal of this study is to introduce the description of soft Leibniz subalgebras (respectively soft Leibniz ideals) and to state some properties. Moreover, in this note, we investigate the concept of soft intersection ... -
Characterization of the Boundedness of Fractional Maximal Operator and its Commutators in Orlicz and Generalized Orlicz–Morrey Spaces on Spaces of Homogeneous Type
(Birkhauser, 2021)In this paper, we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of fractional maximal operator Mα and the fractional maximal commutators Mb,α in Orlicz LΦ(X) and generalized Orlicz–Morrey spaces ... -
The P-Drazin İnverse for Operator Matrix Over Banach Algebras
(University of Nis, 2020)An element a in a Banach algebra A has p-Drazin inverse provided that there exists b2 comm(a) such that b = b2a, ak ↋ ak+1b 2 J(A) for some k 2 N. In this paper, we present new conditions for a block operator matrix to ... -
k-Srivastava Hypergeometric Functions and their Integral Representations
(University of Miskolc, 2024)In this study, we introduce the k-Srivastava hypergeometric functions by means of the Pochhammer k-symbol. Also, we obtain the relations between k-Srivastava hypergeometric and classical Srivastava hypergeometric functions. ... -
The genus mustela linnaeus, 1758 in Turkey: Distribution of species, subspecies status, karyology and morphometry
(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2021)Mustela nivalis is already known to be distributed throughout Turkey. However, the subspecies Mustela nivalis vulgaris in the European part of Turkey and Mustela nivalis caucasica in the Anatolian peninsula should be ... -
Characterization of the boundedness of fractional maximal operator and its commutators in Orlicz and generalized Orlicz–Morrey spaces on spaces of homogeneous type
(Birkhauser, 2021)In this paper, we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of fractional maximal operator Mα and the fractional maximal commutators Mb,α in Orlicz LΦ(X) and generalized Orlicz–Morrey spaces ... -
Hyperspherical And Hypercylindrical Generalized Helices In The Sense Of Hayden In E2n+1
(Univ. Nis, 2021)In this paper, we investigate generalized helices in the sense of Hayden in (2n + 1)-dimensional Euclidean space E2n+1. We obtain some results for such curves in E2n+1. Thereafter, we obtain two families of generalized ... -
Strait fuzzy sets, strait fuzzy rough sets and their similarity measures-based decision making systems
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023)In this paper, a new uncertainty modelling concept called strait fuzzy set is introduced, which brings new perspectives to both theoretical and practical advances in fuzzy mathematics. This set type allows objects/points ... -
E-reversibility of rings via quasinilpotents
(Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2023)The reversible property of rings was introduced by Cohn and has important generalizations in non commutative ring theory. In this paper, reversibility of rings is investigated in relation with quasinilpotents and idempotents, ... -
Commutators Of Classıcal Operators In A New Vanıshıng Orlıcz-Morrey Space
(Inst Mathematıcs & Mechanıcs, 2023)We study mapping properties of commutators of classical operators of harmonic analysis - commutators of maximal, singular and fractional operators in a new vanishing subspace of Orlicz-Morrey spaces. We show that the ... -
Closures of Bergman–Besov Spaces in the Weighted Bloch Spaces on the Unit Ball
(Birkhauser, 2021)In this paper, via invertible radial differential operators, we characterize the closures of the Bergman–Besov spaces in the weighted Bloch spaces on the unit ball. The results of this paper generalize some previous results ... -
Motions of Curves in 4-Dimensional Galilean Space G4
(World Scıentıfıc Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2021)In this paper, we investigate the flow of curve and its equiform geometry in 4-dimensional Galilean space. We obtain that the Frenet equations and curvatures of inextensible flows of curves and its equiformly invariant ... -
A new extension on the theorem of Bor
(Academie des sciences, 2021)In [8], Bor has obtained a main theorem dealing with Riesz summability factors of infinite series and Fourier series. In this paper, we generalized that theorem to |A, θn |k summability method for taking power increasing ... -
Conformal bi-slant submersions
(Scientific and Technological Research Council Turkey, 2021)In this paper, we study conformal bi-slant submersions from almost Hermitian manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds as a generalized of conformal anti-invariant, conformal semi-invariant, conformal semi-slant, conformal slant, ... -
Spanne-Guliyev Type Characterization for Fractional Integral Operator and Its Commutators in Generalized Orlicz–Morrey Spaces on Spaces of Homogeneous Type
(Springer, 2021)This paper establishes necessary and sufficient condition for the Spanne-Guliyev type boundedness of the fractional integral operator and its commutators in generalized Orlicz–Morrey spaces over spaces of homogeneous type ... -
On Near-Rings with Soft Union Ideals and Applications
(World Scientific, 2022)In this paper, we define soft union near-ring on a soft set by using soft sets, inclusion relation and union of sets. This new notion functions as a bridge among soft set theory, set theory and near-ring theory. We then ...