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Recent Submissions
Investigation of the Combined Effects of Stress Concentrations and Plasma Nitriding Parameters on the Fatigue Performance of AISI 4140 Low Alloy Steel
(Springer, 2024)The fatigue performance of machine parts under cyclic loads is significantly reduced by notches, cracks and geometric irregularities on their surfaces. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the notch effect, which is ... -
Extended exergy analysis of a novel integrated absorptional cooling system design without utilization of generator for economical and robust provision of higher cooling demands
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)The focus of this study is on designing a novel system for the provision of high-capacity cooling and heating loads (4000 kW) with the utilization of absorption technology to increase economic viability and COP value of ... -
Investigation of silica gel performance on potable water harvesting from ambient air using a rotatable apparatus with a solar tracking system
(Desalination Publications, 2023)Over the last century, the scarcity of clean water has emerged as a critical global issue. The changing climate and many other factors have severely strained the world’s water resources. As a result, much research has been ... -
Exergy and sustainability-based optimisation of flat plate solar collectors by using a novel mathematical model
(Inderscience Publishers, 2023)A novel mathematical model was used to estimate optimum tilt and azimuth angles, considering exergoeconomic and sustainability aspects. This approach made the solar collector’s performance evaluation independent of ... -
Experimental Investigation on Wire Electric Discharge Machining of Biodegradable AZ91 Mg Alloy
(Springer, 2021)The AZ91 magnesium alloy, used commonly as a biodegradable material in biomedical applications, is generally formed by conventional casting method (CCM) and high-pressure die casting method (HPDCM). The AZ91 alloys exhibit ... -
Influences of Directions and Magnitudes of Static Electrical Field on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties for Al-Si Eutectic Alloy
(Springer, 2022)The aim of this article was to investigate the influences of directions and magnitudes of static electrical field (E) on eutectic spacings (lambda), Brinell hardness (HB) and ultimate tensile strength (sigma(UTS)), yield ... -
Analysis of biomedical titanium implant green parts by X-Ray tomography
(Elsevier, 2021)In this study, X-ray tomography was applied as a non-destructive test to investigate the internal defects of the green part produced with Powder injection molding (PIM). PIM is a material processing technology that combines ... -
Investigation and Optimization of Cutting Performance of High Chrome White Cast Iron by Wire Erosion
(Institute for Ionics, 2023)Wire electric discharge machining (WEDM) is an emerging approach to producing more accurate and precise complex products in the unconventional machining process. The WEDM process is affected by several process factors. ... -
The comparison of performance of electrolytic cu and cube tool electrodes in electric discharge machining of ti6al4v alloy [Ti6al4v alaşımının elektro erozyon ile işlemesinde elektrolitik cu ve cube takım elektrotlarının performansının karşılaştırılması]
(TUBITAK, 2021)The most crucial cost element of Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) is the production of tool electrode (shortly electrode). Copper, its alloys, and graphite are the most commonly used electrode materials. Selecting the ... -
Optimization of process parameters in oxygen enriched combustion of biocoal and soma lignite blends by response surface methodology
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)Co-combustion of coal and biomass in power plants has the potential to reduce emissions compared to burning coal alone. However, the use of biomass with coal in power plants has its own limitations. For this reason, biomass ... -
Vibration of a Two-Layer “Metal+PZT” Plate Contacting with Viscous Fluid
(Tech Science Press, 2023)The present work investigates the mechanically forced vibration of the hydro-elasto-piezoelectric system consisting of a two-layer plate “elastic+PZT”, a compressible viscous fluid, and a rigid wall. It is assumed that the ... -
Experımental Determınatıon Of Bıofılm And Mechanıcal Propertıes Of Surfaces Obtaıned By Co2 Laser Gas-Assısted Nıtrıdıng Of Ti-6al-4v Alloy
(World Scıentıfıc Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2022)The nitriding process is a surface treatment that improves the surface properties of titanium alloys and increases wear/corrosion resistance. This study investigates the structural and mechanical property changes in titanium ... -
Prediction of strain limits via the marciniak-kuczynski model and a novel semi-empirical forming limit diagram model for dual-phase DP600 advanced high strength steel
(Assoc. of Mechanical Eng. and Technicians of Slovenia, 2020)The prediction capability of a forming limiting diagram (FLD) depends on how the yield strength and anisotropy coefficients evolve during the plastic deformation of sheet metals. The FLD predictions are carried out via the ... -
Thermal performance investigation of double pipe heat exchanger embedded with extended surfaces using nanofluid technique as enhancement
(Elsevier Ltd, 2023)In the present work, a numerical investigation of heat transfer enhancement in a “double pipe heat exchanger” embedded with an extended surface on the inner tube's outer surface with the addition of “Alumina nanofluid” has ... -
Hospital Performance Evaluation in COVID-19 Pandemic by Using Hesitant Fuzzy MABAC
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)Healthcare service demand during the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased compared to the pre-pandemic period. In some cases, it is known that the hospitals are insufficient and the health system were at the point ... -
Experimental study on the effects of cold chamber die casting parameters on high-speed drilling machinability of casted AZ91 alloy
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)In this study, the effects of the cold chamber die casting parameters on high-speed drilling machinability of AZ91 Magnesium alloys were experimentally investigated. The influence of different casting parameters (casting ... -
Analysis of Yield Criteria and Flow Curves on FLC for TWIP900 Steel
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020)In this study, the applicability of yield criteria and flow curve models to predict forming limit curve (FLC) via the Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) model is investigated for TWIP900 steel. Forming limit characteristics of ... -
Thermo-fluid multi-physics modeling and experimental verification of volumetric workpiece material removal by a discharge pulse in electric discharge machining process
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020)The volume of material removed from the workpiece by a pulse (Vv) in the electric discharge machining was quantitatively determined using a multi-physics simulation model in ANSYS CFX software. Electrical heating is used ... -
Parameter determination and calibration of the combined plasticity model through inverse analysis for cold forging simulation of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy
(Gazi Universitesi, 2022)In this study, plasticity models have been developed to be used in cold forging simulations of AA7075-T6 alloy which is widely used in aviation industry. In addition, the coefficients of the obtained models have been ... -
Solidification of A356 Alloy Under Different Directions and Magnitudes of Static Electrical Field
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)A356 alloy, which is a commercial Al–Mg–Si alloy, was solidified with different magnitudes (0.42–1.25 kV cm−1) and directions of static electrical fields (E+: positive and E−: negative) to study the influences of E+ and ...