Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Bronchogenic cyst mimicking hydatid cyst or enfected bulla in child patient
Bronchogenic cysts are congenital anomalies of the bronchial tree and they are generally asymptomatic, and often incidentally diagnosed. If the bronchogenic cyst is infected or high protein level include, differantial ...
Psikososyal Stres Faktorleriyle Tetiklenen Erken Baslangicli Konversiyon Bozuklugu Olarak Astazi-Abazi Olgusu 2
(Türkiye Sinir Ve Ruh Sağlığı Derneği, 2022)
Conversion disorder is defined as the loss or change of motor, sensory, and autonomic nervous system-related functions that cannot be explained completely with organic causes. The etiology of the disease may be explained ...
Results of newborn hearing screening in tepecik education and research hospital
(Kare Publishing, 2021)
Objectives: This study aimed to emphasize the significance of newborn hearing screening for detecting congenital hearing loss within the first 6 months of birth. Methods: The data of 5399 infants born in the Izmir University ...
Low-Energy Multilevel Vertebral Fracture in a Pediatric Patient during Follow-up for Idiopathic Hypercalciuria: A Case Report
Compared to adult studies, there are a limited number of pediatric studies exploring the effects of hypercalciuria on bone mineral density. The aim of this paper was to report a case of low-energy multilevel vertebral ...