Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Effects of "bagging" treatment on some pomological and quality features of red chief species
(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2019)
Today, "conscious consumers" pay attention not only to the quality characteristics of the fruits they buy, but also absence of chemical remnants on them. In this study, the effect of “bagging” treatment which prevents drugs ...
Effects Of "Baggıng" Treatment On Some Pomologıcal And Qualıty Features Of Red Chıef Specıes
Today, "conscious consumers" pay attention not only to the quality characteristics of the fruits they buy, but also absence of chemical remnants on them. In this study, the effect of "bagging" treatment which prevents drugs ...
A research on Non-Destructive Leaf Area Estimation Modeling for some Apple Cultivars
(Springer, 2022)
Accurate and non-destructive methods to determine the plant leaf area are important measurements used in physiological and agronomic studies. This study was aimed to develop the best estimation model in 2017 to determine ...
Effect of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) Applications on Pre-Harvest Drop and Fruit Quality of 'Red Delicious, Red Chief' Apple Cultivar
(Springer, 2022)
The study was carried out to determine the effect of different aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) application doses on pre-harvest fruit drop in semi-dwarf rootstock grafted to ‘Red Delicious, Red Chief’ apple in Central Anatolia ...