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Determination of The Phenological, Pomological and Morphological Characteristics of Mulberry Species Grown in Center District of Batman Province [Batman merkez ilçede yetiştirilen dut türlerinin fenolojik, pomolojik ve morfolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi]
(Centenary University, 2020)The aim of this study, carried out 2017-2018, was to determine some phenological, pomological and morphological characteristics of Morus alba L., Morus nigra L. and Morus rubra L. mulberry species grown in the central ... -
The Efficacy of Grafting on Alkali Stressed Watermelon Cultivars Under Hydroponic Conditions
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)The goal of the present study was to determine whether grafting of watermelon on gourd rootstocks could improve alkalinity tolerance and to investigate the physiological and morphological response mechanisms of the grafted ... -
Dihaploidization İn Promising Summer Squash Genotypes (Cucurbita Pepo L.) Via İrradiated Pollen Technique
(Centenary University, 2021)Summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) is one of the important vegetable species preferred by the people of Turkey in terms of their nutritional value. F1 hybrid summer squash varieties are widely used both in the open field ... -
Chemical profiling and biological activity evaluation of propolis from Çayeli-Rize, Eastern Black Sea Region, Anatolia
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)The constituents of the aqueous, ethanol, hexane, and methanol extracts of Anatolian propolis collected from the Eastern Black Sea Region (Çayeli-Rize) were investigated by GC–MS, HPLC and AAS. Interestingly, lactulose has ... -
The effect of different fruiting temperatures on the yield and nutritional parameters of some wild and hybrid Hericium isolates
(Elsevier B.V., 2021)Temperature has an important impact on the sporophore development of mushrooms. In particular, in some warm area or during summer season, temperatures above 20 °C may emerge as a limiting factor in Hericium spp. cultivation. ... -
Possibilities of Using Organic Wastes as a Growing Medium in Soilless Culture for Cut Flower Rose
(North Carolina State University, 2024)The possibilities of using organic wastes, such as hazelnut shells (HS), walnut shells (WS), hazelnut skins (HzS), and spent mushroom compost (SMC), as growth medium in cut flower rose cultivation in soilless substrate ... -
Parts from life-cycle of h.erinaceus: Response surface methodology approach to optimize extraction conditions and determination of its antioxidant, antidiabetic and antimicrobial effect
(Slovak University of Agriculture, 2021)In this article, optimization of extraction conditions of different parts from the life cycle of H.erinaceus was investigated based on Response Surface Method. Furthermore, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial ... -
A research on Non-Destructive Leaf Area Estimation Modeling for some Apple Cultivars
(Springer, 2022)Accurate and non-destructive methods to determine the plant leaf area are important measurements used in physiological and agronomic studies. This study was aimed to develop the best estimation model in 2017 to determine ... -
Effects of prohexadione calcium applications on growth and yield characteristics of cucumber (cucumis sativus l.)
(Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2021)This study was conducted to determine the effects of growth regulator prohexadione calcium (Pro-Ca) and inhibitor gibberellic acid on some parameters (yield, pigment levels of leaves, nutrient contents, proline, enzyme ... -
Genetıc Characterızatıon Of Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) Genotypes From Central Anatolıa Wıth Ssr And Scar Markers
(Serbian Genetics Society, 2022)The major objective in pepper breeding programs is to generate high yielding novel varieties resistant to pests and diseases, tolerant to abiotic stress conditions with improved fruit quality traits including capsaicin ... -
Evaluation of the yield and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the fruit body of Pleurotus ostreatus grown on sugar mill wastewaters
(Sprınger Heıdelberg, 2023)Sugar mill wastewater (SMWW) is one of the agro-industrial wastewaters that is generated in huge quantities every year. In this study, the effect of substrate moistening with different SMWW concentrations on the cultivation ... -
Rootstock Effect of Auto- and Allotetraploid Citron (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) on Hydroponically Grown Cucumber Under Salt Stress
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)A hydroponic experiment was conducted to assess whether grafting with citroides rootstocks could improve the salt tolerance of cucumber. One cucumber cultivar (Mercur F1) was grafted onto six diploid and tetraploid (auto ... -
Using Phenol-Rich Agro-Wastes as Substrates for the Cultivation of Hypsizygus ulmarius Mushroom with Enhanced Functional and Nutritional Potential
(Instituto de Tecnologia do Parana, 65)This study aimed to transform phenolic-rich agricultural wastes into valuable foods by using them as new alternative substrates in mushroom cultivation and thus, to dispose of them without harming the environment. Thirteen ... -
Cucurbita rootstocks improve salt tolerance of melon scions by inducing physiological, biochemical and nutritional responses
(MDPI AG, 2020)A hydroponic experiment was conducted to assess whether grafting with Cucurbita rootstocks could improve the salt tolerance of melon scions and to determine the physiological, biochemical, and nutritional responses induced ... -
The Effects Of Super Absorbent Polymer Application On The Physiological And Biochemical Properties Of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Plants Grown By Soilless Agriculture Technique
(Corvınus Unıv Budapest, 2020)This study, it was aimed to determine the effects of super absorbent polymers (SAP) on plant growth, yield, hormone level, leaf pigment and nutrient contents, enzyme activities, organic acid and amino acid composition, ... -
Fruit Features of Some Almond (Prunus amygladus L.) Genotypes Selected From Şanlıurfa Region
(Centenary University, 2020)This study was performed to determine promising chance seedlings in the native almond populations of Hilvan, Bozova, Suruç and Şanlıurfa province during 2017 and 2018. Tree and fruit characteristics of seedling almond trees ... -
Comparative evaluation of the antioxidant potential of hericium erinaceus, hericium americanum and hericium coralloides
(Wydawnictwo Akad Rolniczej W Lublinie, 2019)The aim of this work was to determine the total phenolic content (TPC) and the antioxidant activity of methanol extracts of Hericium erinaceus, Hericium americanum and Hericium coralloides, including free radical scavenging ... -
Effects Of Some Pretreatments On The Germination Ratio Of Jujube (Ziziphus Spp.) Seeds
(Parlar Scıentıfıc Publıcatıons (P S P), 2020)In this research, the effects some pretreatments (stratification, soaking, cracking and gibberellic acid) and combinations of treatments on the germination ratio of jujube (Ziziphus spp) seeds were investigated. The study ... -
Comparison of cemele pepper with bell pepper genotypes (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) with respect to agronomic and morphological characteristics
(Wydawnictwo Akad Rolniczej W Lublinie, 2021)This study was conducted in 2014 and 2015 to compare Cemele pepper with other bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) genotypes with respect to agronomic and morphological traits. Totally 75 bell pepper genotypes ... -
Effect of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) Applications on Pre-Harvest Drop and Fruit Quality of 'Red Delicious, Red Chief' Apple Cultivar
(Springer, 2022)The study was carried out to determine the effect of different aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) application doses on pre-harvest fruit drop in semi-dwarf rootstock grafted to ‘Red Delicious, Red Chief’ apple in Central Anatolia ...