Browsing Yayın Koleksiyonu by Type "article"
Now showing items 21-40 of 109
Determination of the best lactation curve model and lactation curve parameters using different nonlinear models for anatolian buffaloes
(University of Punjab (new Campus), 2020)The present investigation was conducted to determine the lactation curve parameters and to choose the best model that defines the lactation curve. Data were composed of 4897 test day milk yield (TDMY) records from Anatolian ... -
Determination of the genetic polymorphism for DGAT1 gene in Holstein, Jersey and native cattle breeds of Turkey
(AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE, 2019)This study was to determine the genetic polymorphism in terms of the DGAT1 gene among Holstein and Jersey and indigenous Native Black, East Anatolian Red and Grey Steppe in Turkey. The frequencies of K allele for the DGAT1 ... -
Effect of Different Extenders on Sperm Motility and Vitality in Goose Semen Cryopreservation
(Fundacao APINCO de Ciencia e Tecnologia Avicolas, 2022)This study aimed to investigate the usability of different diluents containing 6% Dimethylformamide (DMF) for cryo-preservation of the semen of geese (Anser cygnoides). The diluents of Glucose (G), Tris-Glucose (T), Lactated ... -
The effect of different extenders on the sperm motility and viability of frozen Turkey semen
(AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE, 2017)This study was conducted to develop long-term storage methods for turkey semen using different extenders. During the study, the massage method was used twice a week to collect the semen from five turkeys, a total of 44 ... -
The effect of laying period on egg quality traits and chemical composition of Lindovskaya (Linda) geese reared under breeder conditions
(SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY-TUBITAK, 2019)The study was conducted to determine the effect of laying period on egg quality traits as well as the chemical composition of Lindovskaya geese. The egg quality traits were examined by randomly taking a total of 90 eggs ... -
Effect of Olive Leaf (Olea europaea) Powder on Laying Hens Performance, Egg Quality and Egg Yolk Cholesterol Levels
(ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN ASSOC ANIMAL PRODUCTION SOC, 2015)This experiment was conducted to measure the effects of olive leaf powder on performance, egg yield, egg quality and yolk cholesterol level of laying hens. A total of 120 Lohmann Brown laying hens of 22 weeks old were used ... -
Effect of Raw and Fermented Pomegranate Pomace on Performance, Antioxidant Activity, İntestinal Microbiota and Morphology in Broiler Chickens
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2021)The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of raw (PP) and fermented pomegranate pomace (FP) on performance, antioxidant activity, caecal microbiota and ileal morphology in broiler chickens. A total of 175 ... -
Effect of Seed Powder of a Herbal Legume Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum L.) on Growth Performance, Body Components, Digestive Parts, and Blood Parameters of Broiler Chicks
(ZOOLOGICAL SOC PAKISTAN, 2013)The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary Trigonella foenum-graceum L. seed powder (TFGSP) on growth performance, blood glucose, protein and lipid profile of broilers (Ross-308). One hundred ninety ... -
Effect of selection for body weight in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) on some production traits
(AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE, 2017)The aim of the study was to identify quails which have different body weight for some production traits such as egg production, egg characteristics, daily feed consumption and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The selection was ... -
Effect of slaughter age and muscle type on selected meat quality traits and fatty acid composition of Lindovskaya geese
(Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorıal Office, 2020)The study was conducted in order to determine how the slaughter age (SA) and muscle type (MT) affect technological properties and fatty acid composition (FAC) of meat among Linda geese reared under the breeder conditions. ... -
The Effect Of Some Environmental Factors On Milk Composition Of Anatolian Buffaloes
(UNIV AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES & VETERINARY MEDICINE BUCHAREST, 2016)The aim of this study was to determine the composition of raw milk from Anatolian water buffaloes raised under different village conditions in the Tokat province of Northern Turkey. The study materials included 600 milk ... -
Effect of Various Environmental Factors and Management Practices on Somatic Cell Count in the Raw Milk of Anatolian Buffaloes
(ZOOLOGICAL SOC PAKISTAN, 2016)The aim of this study was to determine the effects of various environmental factors on the somatic cell count (SCC) of Anatolian Buffaloes raised under different herd conditions in Turkey. Data were evaluated according to ... -
Effects of breed and fattening system on fatty acid and chemical composition of meat from male lambs
(South African Journal of Animal Sciences, 2022)The purpose of this study was to examine the fatty acid and chemical composition of the Longissimus dorsi (LD) from male Tuj and Hemşin lambs reared in extensive, semi-intensive and intensive feeding systems. At the end ... -
Effects of combined in ovo injection of dried whey and Enterococcus faecium on performance, ileal histomorphology, erythrocyte morphology and ileal microbiota of broiler chickens
(EUGEN ULMER GMBH CO, 2015)The aim of this experiment was to determine the effects of in ovo injection of dried whey and Enterococcus faecium to fertile Ross 308 chicken eggs on performance, ileal histomorphology, ileum microbiota and edible viscera ... -
Effects of Dietary Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris) Powder in Different Carriers on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Blood Parameters of Broiler Chicks
(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2012)This study was carried out to investigate the effects of dietary powder of Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris (TT)), carried with cotton oil, cellulose and bentonite on growth performance, carcass characteristics, TBA ... -
Effects of dietary puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris) powder in different carriers on growth performance, carcass characteristics and blood parameters of broiler chicks [Farkli{dotless} taşi{dotless}yi{dotless}ci{dotless}larla rasyona eklenen demir dikeni (Tribulus terrestris) bitki tozunun etlik civcivlerde performans, karkas özellikleri ve kan parametreleri Üzerine etkisi]
(2012)This study was carried out to investigate the effects of dietary powder of Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris (TT)), carried with cotton oil, cellulose and bentonite on growth performance, carcass characteristics, TBA ... -
Effects of dietary symbiotic supplementation on growth performance and duodenum histology of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) reared in different flooring systems
(REVISTA BRASILEIRA ZOOTECNIA BRAZILIAN JOURNAL ANIMAL SCI, 2017)The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary symbiotic supplementation on the growth performance and duodenum histological parameters of quail reared in different flooring systems. A total of 160 ... -
The effects of different doses of boron on the growth parameters of some maize genotypes
(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2017)Maize is one of the important cereals in Turkey. High boron concentration effects to lose yield of maize plants. This study was conducted to determine effects of different doses of boron on growth parameters of maize ... -
The Effects Of Dıfferent Doses Of Boron On The Growth Parameters Of Some Maıze Genotypes
(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2017)Maize is one of the important cereals in Turkey. High boron concentration effects to lose yield of maize plants. This study was conducted to determine effects of different doses of boron on growth parameters of maize ... -
The effects of environmental enrichment objects on behaviors of Japanese quails at different cage stocking densities
(AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE, 2017)The aim of this study is to investigate the behaviors of and monitor the changes on behaviors of Japanese quails reared in different stocking density, through using different objects, (small red balls, bunch of rope, mirrors ...