Browsing Yayın Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 58-77 of 173
The effects of the Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles on Anatolian ground squirrels: range expansion during the glacial periods?
(OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2013)The present study aimed to understand how Anatolian ground squirrels, Spermophilus xanthoprymnus (Bennett, 1835), have responded to global climate changes through the Late Quaternary glacialinterglacial cycles. Accordingly, ... -
Evidence of potential hybridization in the Thaumetopoea pityocampa-wilkinsoni complex
(WILEY, 2018)1 The winter pine processionary moth complex includes some major defoliating insects of Pinus and Cedrus forests in southern Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, where they also cause health problems to humans and animals. ... -
External morphology of the female genitalia of lixus nordmanni Hochhuth, 1847 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Lixinae): A scanning electron microscope study
(2010)The female genitalia of Lixus nordmanni Hochhuth, 1847 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were examined by light and scanning electron microscope (SEM). A detailed description about it is provided. The female genitalia comprise ... -
The Faces of Fungi database: fungal names linked with morphology, phylogeny and human impacts
(SPRINGER, 2015)Taxonomic names are key links between various databases that store information on different organisms. Several global fungal nomenclural and taxonomic databases (notably Index Fungorum, Species Fungorum and MycoBank) can ... -
Fasting and postprandial conditions affect both fatty acids and lipid compositions in the hypothalamus and fat-soluble vitamins in the serum of male rats
(BRILL ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, 2012)The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of fasting and re-feeding on lipid derivative patterns in the hypothalamus, and on vitamin, cholesterol and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in serum. Adult male Wistar ... -
Fine Structure of the Scales of Tychius Germar, 1817 (Coleoptera: Curculioninae) Species
(INST ZOOLOGY, BAS, 2013)The scales of four species of Tyhius genus were studied with light microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The similarities and differences among the species were discussed. The shape and color of scales of ... -
Genetic diversity and phylogenetic origin of brown trout Salmo trutta populations in eastern Balkans
(VERSITA, 2013)The study focuses on the phylogenetic origin and genetic diversity of brown trout in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It further aims to reveal the impact of human-mediated transfers and stocking with non-indigenous ... -
Glandular and eglandular hairs of Salvia recognita Fisch & Mey. (Lamiaceae) in Turkey
(BANGLADESH BOTANICAL SOC, 2008)Distribution of glandular and eglandular hairs on the aerial organs of Saliva recognito Fisch. & Mey. has been investigated. Glandular hairs of S. recognita have consisted of capitate and peltate hairs. Capitate hairs were ... -
Glandular and eglandular hairs of Salvia recognita Fisch. & Mey. (Lamiaceae) in Turkey
(2008)Distribution of glandular and eglandular hairs on the aerial organs of Salvia recogniia Fisch. & Mey. has been investigated. Glandular hairs of 5. recognita have consisted of capitate and peltate hairs. Capitate hairs were ... -
Glycosylation of type-IV fimbriae of Dichelobacter nodosus
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2008)Dichelobacter nodosus is the causative agent of ovine footrot and the type-IV fimbriae on this bacterium are essential for maintaining its virulence. In this study, we reveal that these fimbriae are glycosylated. This was ... -
Heavy Metal Bıosorptıon Of Copper Ions By Immobılızed Bıomass Of Stıchococcus Subtılıs (Kutzıng) Klercker
(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2017)In this study, the ability of Stichococcus subtilis (Kiitzing) Klercker was used for heavy metal removal adsorbstion capacity. The sorption ability of S. subtilis was investigated using Cu metallic solutions. In the analysis, ... -
Historical demography of the eurasian green woodpecker: Integrating phylogeography and ecological niche modelling to test glacial refugia hypothesis
(Czech Academy of Sciences, 2015)In this study, we re-evaluated historical demography of the Eurasian green woodpecker (Picus viridis) on the basis of previously published multi-locus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data and ecological niche modelling. We ... -
Historical demography of the Eurasian green woodpecker: integrating phylogeography and ecological niche modelling to test glacial refugia hypothesis
(INST VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY AS CR, 2015)In this study, we re-evaluated historical demography of the Eurasian green woodpecker (Picus viridis) on the basis of previously published multi-locus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data and ecological niche modelling. We ... -
Hyphomycetous fungi in several forest ecosystems of Black sea provinces of Turkey
(MYCOSPHERE PRESS, 2014)Hyphomycetous specimens were collected in forest ecosystems of the middle and east Black Sea coastal region. Sixty-nine taxa in 50 genera were recorded on various substrates including 20 plant families. Sporidesmium, ... -
Identification and antifungal susceptibility of candida isolates from various clinical specimens in doctor Behçet uz hospital
(2009)The purpose of this study was to identify and determine antifungal susceptibility patterns of 101 yeast strains isolated from varios clinical specimens. Identification of the isolates were determined by API 20 C AUX kit ... -
(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2010)The genotoxic potential of citric acid (CA) was studied using the micronucleus (MN) test in the erythrocytes of Tinca tinca. Three different doses (200 mg/L, 300 mg/L and 400 mg/L) of CA were applied to the fish for 24, ... -
Influences of phenolic compounds on citric acid productivity by Aspergillus niger in stirred fermentor
(UNIV CATOLICA DE VALPARAISO, 2010)Ligninolytic enzymes of the basidiomycetes play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle. The demand for application of ligninolytic enzymes complexes of white-rot fungi in industry and biotechnology is ever increasing ... -
Interactions between cadmium and phytochelatin accumulation in two different sunflower cultivars
(2009)The effects of cadmium sulfate on cadmium accumulation and phytochelatin synthesis were investigated in leaf, stem and root tissues of two sunflower cultivars, cadmium tolerant Helianthus annum cv. Meriç and sensitive ... -
(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2009)The effects of cadmium sulfate on cadmium accumulation and phytochelatin synthesis were investigated in leaf, stem and root tissues of two sunflower cultivars, cadmium tolerant Helianthus annuus cv. Meric and sensitive ... -
Investigation of probiotic properties of lactobacilli bacteria isolated from human gastrointestinal tract
(M H SCHAPER GMBH CO KG, 2014)In this study, the probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus which were taken from the stool samples of 30 children, aged between 5 and 15 years, were studied. The stomach medium (low pH) and bile salt tolerance, bile ...