Now showing items 1-10 of 282
Topical atorvastatin in the treatment of diabetic wounds
(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009)
BACKGROUND: Currently, it is reported that statins may be useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus foot ulceration. The aim of this study was to evaluate treatment of the wounds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats ...
Follow-up of granulomatous mastitis with monitoring versus surgery
(IOS Press, 2017)
BACKGROUND: IGM (Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis) is a rare, chronic, non-malignant and non-life-Threatening breast disease. Clinically and radiologically, it has similar characteristics with other granulomatous diseases ...
Hot-Dip Galvanizing Process
(Elsevier Inc., 2017)
Galvanizing is a well-established, economical, and durable method for protecting metals from corrosion. It is basically a surface treatment process to coat metal surfaces by submerging the metals into a molten Zn metal ...
Investigation of the emotional intelligence levels of the athletes in different branches in terms of some demographic variables
The aim of this study is to investigate the Emotional Intelligence (EI) levels of athletes in different branches of sport in terms of some demographic variables. In the study, a 5-dimensional and19-item scale was used, ...
Climate warming and past and present distribution of the processionary moths (thaumetopoea spp.) in Europe, Asia minor and North Africa
(Springer Netherlands, 2015)
Pine processionary moth, Thaumetopea pityocampa, is a model insect indicator of global warming, the northwards and upwards range expansion of this Mediterranean species being directly associated with the recent warming up. ...
The effect of radiologist's experience on the measurement of appendix diameter in children with acute appendicitis [Akut apandisitli çocuklarda apendiks çapinin ölçülmesinde radyoloji uzmaninin deneyiminin etkisi]
(Logos Medical Publishing, 2019)
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the importance of radiologist's experience in the diagnosis of appendicitis via comparing the diameter of appendix measured by ultrasonography (US) with manual measurement ...
Structural and Vibrational Spectroscopy Investigation of the 5-[(diphenyl) amino] Isophthalic Acid Molecule
The molecular structure and vibrations of 5-(diphenyl) amino] isophthalic acid (DPIFA) were investigated by different spectroscopic techniques (such as infrared and Raman). FT-IR, FT-Raman and dispersive Raman spectra were ...
Primary perceptual field in visual materials
This study aims to determine the field (s) that students tend to perceive first in an instructional material. It employs the scanning model and its study group consists of 378 sophomore students attending the Faculty of ...
A sensitive and selective chemiluminogenic probe for palladium
Palladium triggered removal of a propargyl group leads to the cleavage of the 1,2-dioxetane ring, leading to bright chemiluminescence. The reaction of the probe is highly specific for the Pd species, thus the probe described ...
The world's second record of Hyalodictyum colchicum reported from Turkey
Hyalodictyum colchicum, a rare coelomycete, is reported and illustrated from Turkey on Quercus pubcscens. This is only the second locality reported for this fungus.