Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Synopsis of powdery mildews biota on forest trees and Shrubs of Ulyanovsk Region (Russia) and Düzce Province (Turkey)
(Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018)
Specimens of powdery mildews fungi on trees and shrubs were collected in the period from 2010 to 2015 in forests of left-bank and right-bank parts of the Ulyanovsk Region (Russia) and during the period from 2012 to 2016 ...
Microfungi on forest trees and shrubs of Düzce Province (Turkey) and Ulyanovsk Region (Russia)
(Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016)
The paper presents a systematic analysis and lists of 50 microfungi species from 38 genera, 23 families of 13 orders, registered on trees and shrubs in the forests of Düzce Province (Turkey) and 77 species from 56 genera, ...