Browsing Yayın Koleksiyonu by Language "tur"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Adaptation of Teacher - Student Relationship Scale (STRS)
(ASSOC MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY, 2016)Teacher - student relationship is a critical factor which play a role on child's social and emotional development from the beginning of the school life. Assessing this relationship's quality can lead the preventive and ... -
A case study on the use of materials by classroom teachers
(EDAM, 2008)This research has the nature of a descriptive case study aiming to clarify the opinions of primary education classroom teachers about the use of materials and tools in the lessons. It is a qualitative research benefiting ... -
Competencies of social studies teachers' about utilizing from questions in in-class teaching (the sample of Kırşehir) [Sosyal bilgiler öğretmeninin sınıf içi öğretimde sorulardan yararlanma yeterlikleri (Kırşehir örnegi)]
(2008)Identifying the competencies of social sciences teachers' about utilizing from questions in in-class teaching process forms the basic problem of this study. Determining the problems that teachers face when utilizing from ... -
Developing Perceived Competence Scale (PCS) for Adolescents
(ASSOC MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY, 2016)In this study, Perceived Competence Scale was developed to measure high school students' perceived competence. Scale development process was verified on three different samples. Participants of the research are some high ... -
The Effect of Mastery Learning Model on Students Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study
(ASSOC MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY, 2016)In this research the effect of mastery learning model on academic achievement of students is investigated. Whether the effect of mastery learning on academic achievement changes according to the field and education level ... -
The Effect of Portfolio Use on Academic Achievement: A Meta-analysis
(HACETTEPE UNIV, 2017)It is a meta-analysis study, searching the effectiveness of portfolio use in teaching. The sample, selected through an exhaustive search, consisted of 24 studies, including the studies conducted in overseas. The data ... -
The effects of graphical regulations on students' levels of reading-comprehension [Grafiksel düzenlemelerin ögrencilerin okuma-anlama düzeylerine etkisi]
(2010)The purpose of this research is to study graphical regulations' effects of on students 'level of reading and comprehension. Pre-test, post test experimental design with control group was used for the research. Graphical ... -
The effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension, retention on learning and self-efficacy perception
(Pegem Akademi Yayincilik Egitim Danismanlik Hizmetleri, 2020)This study was carried out to test the effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension skills, learning retention and self-efficacy perception of reading comprehension. Research was conducted in 4th grade Turkish ... -
Examination of the Responsibility Education Strategies of Primary School Teachers
(HACETTEPE UNIV, 2014)The aim of this study is to examine the responsibility education strategies which are applied by primary education teachers in process of education. The research is a quantitative study in survey model. The study group of ... -
Examination of the responsibility education strategies of primary school teachers [İlköğretim okullarında görev yapan öğretmenlerin sorumluluk eğitimi stratejilerinin İncelenmesi]
(Hacettepe University, 2014)The aim of this study is to examine the responsibility education strategies which are applied by primary education teachers in process of education. The research is a quantitative study in survey model. The study group of ... -
Examining the Expectations of University Students from Instructors Who Lecture in their Mother Tongue and in Another Language: A Qualitative Study
(DEOMED PUBL, ISTANBUL, 2019)Multilingual and multicultural educational environments have often appeared on the agenda of educational scientists especially since the end of the twentieth century. The objective of this study is to increase student ... -
The improvement of chronological perceptions among fifth grade students: A quasi-experimental study
(EDAM, 2007)This study is an action research based both on quantitative and qualitative research techniques carried out with a group of fifth grade students in K'rehir during the 2003-2004 education year. In the study, the main purpose ... -
Middle School Students' Knowledge of History of Mathematics and Their Attitudes and Beliefs towards Using History in School Mathematics
(HACETTEPE UNIV, 2016)In this study, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students' knowledge of history of mathematics and their attitudes and beliefs towards the use of history of mathematics in school mathematics were investigated according to gender and ... -
Middle school students' tendencies on interpretation of concepts [Ortaokul öğrencilerinin kavramlari anlamlandirma eğilimleri]
(T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi, 2016)Objects and events are comprehended, named, categorized and take shape in cognition through transferring stimuli coming from external world to cognition through senses. A great deal of factors influence the process of ... -
Middle school students’ knowledge of history of mathematics and their attitudes and beliefs towards using history in school mathematics [Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Matematik Tarihi Bilgileri ile Okul Matematiğinde Tarih Kullanılmasına İlişkin Tutum ve İnanışları]
(Hacettepe University, 2016)In this study, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students’ knowledge of history of mathematics and their attitudes and beliefs towards the use of history of mathematics in school mathematics were investigated according to gender and ... -
Prediction of School Dropout among Turkish High School Students: A Model Testing with Moderator and Mediator Variables
(TURKISH EDUCATION ASSOC, 2011)In this study, firstly, it is inquired whether disciplinary punishment, antisocial behaviors and alcohol and cigarette use mediate the relationship between school dropout and impulsivity. Secondly, it is examined whether ... -
Prediction of school dropout among turkish high school students: A model testing with moderator and mediator variables [Türk lise ögrencilerinde okul terkinin yordanmasi: Araci ve etkileşim degiskenleri ile bir model testi]
(2011)In this study, firstly, it is inquired whether disciplinary punishment, antisocial behaviors and alcohol and cigarette use mediate the relationship between school dropout and impulsivity. Secondly, it is examined whether ... -
Primary school teachers' perception of school, colleague proficiency and self proficiency [Sınıf öğretmenlerinin okul, meslektaşları ve kendi mesleki yeterliklerini algılamaları]
(2007)This research focuses on primary school teachers' level of perceiving school, colleagues occupational proficiency as well as self occupati6nal proficiency The sample of the research was composed of 219 primary school ... -
The psychological needs of prospective classroom teachers [Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Psikolojik İhtiyaçları]
(Ankara University, 2015)The aim of the study is to investigate the psychological needs of prospective classroom teachers and determine the comparative correlations between these needs and gender, parental attitude, academic achievement and grade ... -
The relation between approach of responsible classroom management and professional self-respect: A research in sample of primary school teachers [Sorumluluga da ya li sinif yöneti·mi· yaklaimi i·le mesleki· benli·k saygisi arasindaki· i·li·şki·: Sinif ögretmenleri örneklemi·nde bi·r araştirma]
(2009)To be a society in a high level Professional self-respect needs teachers indicate respect their profession in classroom setting. Bases of responsibility consciouses have been taught in the schools and applied models and ...