Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Analyzing the relationship between social anxiety, social support and problem solving approach of university students
The aim of this study was to determine whether or not social support and problem solving approach employed by university students predict their social anxiety. A total of 811 students (506 female and 305 male) students who ...
Elaboration and organization strategies used by prospective class teachers while studying social studies education textbooks [Sinif Ögretmeni adaylarinin sosyal bilgiler ögretimi ders kitaplarinda kullandiklari anlamlandirma ve örgütleme stratejileri]
(Ani Publishing, 2013)
Problem Statement: Students spend a considerable amount of their time studying from textbooks, which play an important role in their learning activities. The strategies students use to learn work as guides, requiring them ...
Elaboration and Organization Strategies Used by Prospective Class Teachers While Studying Social Studies Education Textbooks
Problem Statement: Students spend a considerable amount of their time studying from textbooks, which play an important role in their learning activities. The strategies students use to learn work as guides, requiring them ...
Success And Faılure In Scıence Educatıon: A Focus Group Study On Turkısh Students
This study aims to investigate primary school students' success and failure in science courses. The participants of the study included 24 students enrolled in the 8th grade of a secondary school and focus group interviews ...
Social integration level of high school students in the Southeastern Anatolia Region [Güneydogu anadolu bölgesindeki lise ögrencilerinde sosyal bütünleşme düzeyi]
This research has been conducted with the aim of determining social integration levels of high school students in the South eastern Anatolia Region and whether thelevels of social integration of them have been differentiated ...