Now showing items 1-10 of 53
Private schools in the Ottoman State and New information on the history of the first Turkish private school [Osmanl Devletinde Özel okullar ve ilk türk Özel okulunun tarihçesine dair yeni bilgiler]
One of the most disputable issues in Turkish Educational History is related to the early private schools, the date of their establishment and the name of the firstly established Turkish private school. Although there is ...
Middle School Mathematics Teachers' Opinions on Feedback
During instruction, providing feedbacks improves students' academic achievements as well as motivates them to actively engage in lesson activities. Feedback is very important for teaching. Feedback is not only a functional ...
Examining the Expectations of University Students from Instructors Who Lecture in their Mother Tongue and in Another Language: A Qualitative Study
Multilingual and multicultural educational environments have often appeared on the agenda of educational scientists especially since the end of the twentieth century. The objective of this study is to increase student ...
A multilevel analysis of home and classroom literacy environments in relation to preschoolers' early literacy development
(WILEY, 2018)
This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of preschoolers' home and classroom literacy environments and the relationships between receptive and expressive vocabulary, phonological awareness, and concepts about ...
The Risk Behaviors of High School Students and Causes Thereof: A Qualitative Study
This study searchs the causes of risk behaviors committed by adolescents, the risk factors in their lives and the protective factors against such risks. This qualitative study has been developed in a phenomenological design. ...
Evaluation of the Curriculum of Elementary School Third Grade Science Course
This study has been conducted with the aim of descriptively evaluating the Curriculum of Elementary School Third Grade Science Course. In this study, the elementary schools in Ankara have been divided into three groups, ...
High School Final Year Students' Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy, Attachment Styles and Gender Role Orientations
(SPRINGER, 2017)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relation between final year high school students' career decision-making self-efficacy and attachment styles. The research group consisted of 808 final year students ...
Investigation of Narrative Texts Used by Fourth Grade Primary School Students
Purpose: The aim of the research was to determine the use of narrative text elements by the 4th grade primary school students in their narrative texts in compliance with the designated written expression evaluation criteria. ...
Analyzing the relationship between social anxiety, social support and problem solving approach of university students
The aim of this study was to determine whether or not social support and problem solving approach employed by university students predict their social anxiety. A total of 811 students (506 female and 305 male) students who ...
Controlling mathematics anxiety by the views of guidance and psychological counseling candidates
(Eurasian Society of Educational Research, 2019)
The aim of this study is to reveal the suggestions of guidance and psychological counseling candidates (GPC) in dealing with math anxiety. The study analysed 50 GPC candidates’ opinions and suggestions on math anxiety. The ...