Now showing items 11-20 of 30
Prediction of Risk Behaviours among Turkish Adolescents
This study aims to investigate to what extent the variables of social support, internalizing behaviours and academic achievement predict adolescent risk behaviours. The sample population consists of 491 high school students ...
Examining the Expectations of University Students from Instructors Who Lecture in their Mother Tongue and in Another Language: A Qualitative Study
Multilingual and multicultural educational environments have often appeared on the agenda of educational scientists especially since the end of the twentieth century. The objective of this study is to increase student ...
Controlling mathematics anxiety by the views of guidance and psychological counseling candidates
(Eurasian Society of Educational Research, 2019)
The aim of this study is to reveal the suggestions of guidance and psychological counseling candidates (GPC) in dealing with math anxiety. The study analysed 50 GPC candidates’ opinions and suggestions on math anxiety. The ...
Investigation of Deadly and Caring Habits in Romantic Relationships [Romantik İlişkilerde Ölümcül ve Besleyici Alışkanlıklar]
(Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Association, 2022)
In this study, the aim was to determine which deadly and caring habits, as stated in reality therapy, individuals in the young adult period use in romantic relationships and how they display these habits. The study was ...
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method and Systematic Teaching on Students' Achievement and Retention of Knowledge in Social Studies Lesson
Problem Statement: Many effective instructional strategies, methods, and techniques, which were developed in accordance with constructivist approach, can be used together in social studies lessons. Constructivist education ...
Middle School Mathematics Teachers' Opinions on Feedback
During instruction, providing feedbacks improves students' academic achievements as well as motivates them to actively engage in lesson activities. Feedback is very important for teaching. Feedback is not only a functional ...
An investigation into the opinions of pre-service teachers toward uses of digital storytelling in literacy education
(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2020)
The goal of the current study was to examine the opinions of pre-service teachers about the use of digital storytelling in literacy education. This study was designed as a case study from qualitative research models. A ...
Internet addiction in high school and university students: An evaluation in terms of various psychological, social and personal variables
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
The purpose of this research was to examine internet addiction among high school and university students in terms of interpersonal relationships, automatic thoughts and problem-solving skills. The sample of the study ...
The effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension, retention on learning and self-efficacy perception
(Pegem Akademi Yayincilik Egitim Danismanlik Hizmetleri, 2020)
This study was carried out to test the effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension skills, learning retention and self-efficacy perception of reading comprehension. Research was conducted in 4th grade Turkish ...
Identifying Climate Literacy Competencies: A Delphi Study at the Middle School Level
(Turkısh Educatıon Assoc, 2020)
This study aimed to identify climate literacy competencies for middle school students. The study used a descriptive survey design. The data were collected using the Delphi method. Climate literacy competencies for middle ...