Now showing items 21-30 of 53
Building fluency through the phrased text lesson
[No abstract available]
Elaboration and organization strategies used by prospective class teachers while studying social studies education textbooks [Sinif Ögretmeni adaylarinin sosyal bilgiler ögretimi ders kitaplarinda kullandiklari anlamlandirma ve örgütleme stratejileri]
(Ani Publishing, 2013)
Problem Statement: Students spend a considerable amount of their time studying from textbooks, which play an important role in their learning activities. The strategies students use to learn work as guides, requiring them ...
The effects of graphical regulations on students' levels of reading-comprehension [Grafiksel düzenlemelerin ögrencilerin okuma-anlama düzeylerine etkisi]
The purpose of this research is to study graphical regulations' effects of on students 'level of reading and comprehension. Pre-test, post test experimental design with control group was used for the research. Graphical ...
Strategies effecting reading and comprehension [Okuma ve anlamayi· etki·leyen strateji·ler]
Human learn throughout their life. Great deal of learning is acquired from the reading text. The ways that people acquire knowledge through reading and comprehension are different each other. When the people have good ...
A study on summer term and regular term teaching applications [Yaz okulu ve normal ögreti·m uygulamasi üzeri·ne bi·r Araştirma]
The aim of the study is to find out if the academic achievements of students differ in regular and summer courses and reveal the perceptions of them on intensive courses. A study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness ...
Prediction of Risk Behaviours among Turkish Adolescents
This study aims to investigate to what extent the variables of social support, internalizing behaviours and academic achievement predict adolescent risk behaviours. The sample population consists of 491 high school students ...
Relations between Value-Based Leadership and Distributed Leadership: A Casual Research on School Principles' Behaviors
(EDAM, 2012)
In this study, the relations between value-based leadership and distributed leadership behaviors of school principals were defined on the basis of the views of the primary school teachers. A casual research was designed ...
The Effect of Multimedia-Based Learning on the Concept Learning Levels and Attitudes of Students
Problem Statement: Rich stimuli received by sensory organs such as vision, hearing, and touch are important elements that affect an individual's perception, identification, classification, and conceptualization of the ...
Elaboration and Organization Strategies Used by Prospective Class Teachers While Studying Social Studies Education Textbooks
Problem Statement: Students spend a considerable amount of their time studying from textbooks, which play an important role in their learning activities. The strategies students use to learn work as guides, requiring them ...
Developing Perceived Competence Scale (PCS) for Adolescents
In this study, Perceived Competence Scale was developed to measure high school students' perceived competence. Scale development process was verified on three different samples. Participants of the research are some high ...