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Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of the European Union (EU): A Scale Development Study and Perceptions Levels
(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2022)This study aimed to develop a scale to determine teacher candidates’ perceptions of the European Union (EU). A descriptive survey method was used in the study, and the study group consisted of 908 teacher candidates attending ... -
A New Framework for Teachers? Professional Development
(Pergamon-Elsevıer Scıence Ltd, 2021)Teachers' professional development (PD) is crucial to improving student outcomes. Because PD involves a multidimensional structure and changes across a teacher's professional life, defining PD is complicated, and existing ... -
The role of digital literacy and digital data security awareness in online privacy concerns: a multi-group analysis with gender
(Emerald Publishing, 2024)Purpose: Online privacy pertains to an individual’s capacity to regulate and oversee the gathering and distribution of online information. Conversely, online privacy concern (OPC) pertains to the protection of personal ... -
The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education on Fourth Graders' Problem Posing/Problem- solving Skills and Academic Achievement
(Anı Publıshıng, 2021)This study investigated the effect of the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach on fourth-grade students' achievement and problem posing and problem-solving skills based on four basic operations. "Academic Achievement ... -
The effect of digital stories on primary school students’ creative writing skills
(Springer, 2022)This study aims to determine the effect of digital stories on the creative writing skills of primary school 4th-grade students. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental research model with a pretest-posttest control group ... -
Challenges in Reorienting Early Childhood Education for Sustainability in Initial Teacher Education: Transforming, Creating and Expanding
(Edith Cowan University, 2022)This editorial essay introduces a special issue on education for sustainability, early childhood education and initial teacher education. We adopt a duoethnographic approach to first provide an overview of the issues, gaps, ... -
Implementation of Education for Sustainability in Turkish Pre-Service Teachers' Practicum
(Brock Univ., 2022)In this study, we explored early childhood education pre-service teachers' (ECEPTs') understanding and pedagogical application of education for sustainability (EfS) by critically analyzing EfS implementation during ECEPTs' ... -
A comparative exploration of Turkish and Irish curricula via TIMSS cognitive domains
(Western Australıan Inst Educatıonal Research Inc, 2022)This qualitative study aimed to explore Turkish and Irish mathematics curricula via TIMSS cognitive domains by way of a comparative investigation of first-grade to fourthgrade learning goals. For this purpose, 500 learning ... -
An investigation of the opinions of primary school teachers' on preschool education and the transition process from preschool to primary school [Si{dotless}ni{dotless}f ögretmenlerinin okul öncesi egitim ve İlkögretime geçiş süreci hakki{dotless}ndaki görüşlerinin İncelenmesi]
(Ankara University, 2014)The aim of this study was to investigate primary school teachers' opinions regarding the importance and functions of preschool education, the transition process from preschool education to primary education, and children's ... -
Teachers' opinions of concepts emphasised in national papers concerning science and technology curriculum
(Sila Science, 2013)This study, which analyses teachers' views of the news items about primary education Science and Technology course curriculum published in the 2004-2007 period, in a sense, questions the applicability of the curriculum. ... -
Survey of the science and primary school teachers candidates' scientific attitudes in terms of multi-variables
(2013)This study was aimed to examine the effects of variables on scientific attitudes of teacher candidates. For this purpose, science and primary school teacher candidates were included in terms of their scientific attitudes ... -
Investigating pre-service early childhood teachers' attitudes towards the computer based education in science activities
(2011)The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service early childhood teachers' attitudes towards using Computer Based Education (CBE) while implementing science activities. More specifically, the present study examined ... -
Preschoolers’ pro-environmental orientations and theory of mind: ecocentrism and anthropocentrism in ecological dilemmas
(Routledge, 2018)The globalized problems of this socio-scientific issue result from human behaviour; thus educators aim to enhance children’s awareness and knowledge of and attitudes and motivations to create an environmentally sustainable ... -
Family context of low-income young children and their self-regulation in the United States and Turkey
(Routledge, 2018)The current study examines the contributions of family context (e.g. life events, home environments) to low-income preschool children’s self-regulation (behaviour regulation and executive function) in the United States and ... -
Examining argumentation skills of preservice science teachers in terms of their critical thinking and content knowledge levels: An example using GMOs
(Ekip Buro Makineleri A., 2018)The aim of this study was to examine the argumentation skills of preservice science teachers on genetically modified foods during an argumentation process. Within case study research methodology, this study was carried out ... -
The effects of STEM training on the academic achievement of 4th graders in science and mathematics and their views on STEM training teachers
(T&K Academic, 2018)This study aims to identify the effects of STEM training on the academic achievement of 4th graders in science and mathematics, as well as their views about STEM training. The study group consisted of 4th graders with ... -
Analysis of relationships between coaches' organizational justice and leader-member exchange by structural equation modeling
(Sciedu Press, 2018)In this study, it was aimed to determine to what extent coaches’ organizational justice levels were explained by a leader-member exchange. This study was conducted by using correlational survey model and its sub-purposes ... -
Research on the relationship between trainers' turnover intention and organizational justice
(Sciedu Press, 2019)The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the organizational justice levels and the turnover intention of trainers working in different departments. The present research was designed with relational ... -
Development of disaster awareness scale: A validity and reliability study
(Eyup Artvinli, 2018)The main purpose of this study is to develop a disaster awareness scale to determine the disaster consciousness of teacher candidates. The study group consisted of 820 preservice teacher who studied in different departments ... -
Intertextuality or story resistance? A deconstruction of stories with preschoolers: An example of "the little red riding hood"
(Horizon Research Publishing, 2019)Storybook reading experiences have the potential to foster children’s cognitive skills in regard to sequencing a story plot, making predictions about the outcome, comprehending the story’s message, and understanding ...