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Does Science Education Contribute To Citizenship Education In Turkey?
(Unıv Malaya Press, 2023)This research aims to explore the connections between science and citizenship education and how science education contributes to citizenship education in Turkey. To achieve these goals, we focused on two research questions: ... -
Analysis of unit evaluation questions in the 4th and 5th grade social studies books [4. Ve 5. sınıf sosyal bilgiler kitaplarında yer alan ünite değerlendirme sorularının analizi]
(Abdullah Kuzu, 2020)In today's information society, the importance of measurement evaluation, which is one of the indispensable elements of education, is increasing. Because the social studies course is a course for acquiring knowledge, skills, ... -
Examining the Relationships Among Teachers' Work Engagement, Teamwork Attitudes, and Efficacy for Classroom Diversity
(Ilem, 2022)The purpose of this quantitative research is to examine the relationships among teachers' work engagement, teamwork attitudes, and efficacy for classroom diversity within the scope of structural equation modeling. The ... -
"Saçi" tradition in classical Turkish literature [Klasik Türk şiirinde saçi geleneği]
(2009)Sources of Classical Turkish Literature is examined by groups named religious sources, Persian legends and local sources. First two of them has parallel usages in Persian, Arabic and Turkish literatures. Local sources are ... -
The study on the validity and reliability of the sustainable development awareness scale
(2011)Abstract: This study aims to develop a scale in order to determine the awareness level of individuals within the framework of the sustainable development. The study group is formed by 504 students. For the validity of scope ... -
The Relatıonshıp between skılls of readıng comprehensıon and establıshıng relatıons of coherence and cohesıon in wrıtten expressıons of secondary school students
(Sakarya University, 2015)This study aims to determine the relationship between skills of reading comprehension and establishing relations of coherence and cohesion in written expressions of good and poor readers. Out of general screening models, ... -
The relationship between readers’ comprehension skills and awareness of cohesive relationships
(Kamla-Raj Enterprises, 2016)This study aims to examine the relationship between good and poor readers’ reading comprehension skills and their ability to establish cohesive relationships in a text. Out of general screening models, relational screening ... -
A literature scan study to determine the instructional leadership roles of school principals for implementation of curriculums [Okul yöneticilerinin ögretim programlarinin uygulanmasindaki ögretim liderligi rollerini belirlemeye yönelik bir alanyazin tarama çalişmasi]
(2014)Achieving the objectives of curriculums is highly connected to the instructional leadership roles for implementation of curriculums which must be fulfilled by the school principals. This study is conducted in order to ... -
Democratic environments offered to children at school, in the family, and in society: The case of Turkey
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2014)This research aims to investigate democratic environments offered to children in Turkey at school, in the home, and in society. A mixed method is a general type of research where qualitative and quantitative methods are ... -
Relationship between the writing quality and self-regulation skills of secondary education students
(Sakarya University, 2016)The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the writing quality and self-regulation skills of secondary education students. In the context of this study, the students were given 16 composition subjects, ... -
The impact of qualified children’s books on students’ ability to use cognitive functions [Nitelikli çocuk kitaplarinin öğrencilerin bilişsel işlevleri kullanma düzeylerine etkisi]
(Ankara University, 2017)Bu Qualified children’s books are high-qualified learning materials constructed in accordance with children’s development levels. This study attempted to investigate the impacts of qualified children’s books on children’s ... -
The middle school students’ attitudes towards Turkish course and perceptions for Turkish teachers
(Eurasian Society of Educational Research, 2018)The purpose of this study is to determine the attitude towards Turkish Course and reveal the perception of students towards Turkish Course and teacher. In this context, a personal information form and Attitude Towards ... -
The relationship between faculty of education students’ argumentation skills and critical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving skills
(Sakarya University, 2016)This study aims to investigate the relationship between faculty of education students’ argumentation skills and critical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving skills. First of all, the correlation value between ... -
Investigation of teacher opinions on measurement tools used to evaluate listening/monitoring skills
(Sakarya University, 2017)In this study, the answer is searched for whether secondary school Turkish lessons about the measurement tools used in assessing listening ability are consistent with the objectives and achievements of Primary School Turkish ... -
Survey of chıldren’s novels in terms of interpersonal communıcatıon conflıcts
(Sakarya University, 2016)Interpersonal communication conflicts seen in children’s novels have been addressed in terms of Harary and Batell’s conflict classification inspired by the graph analysis. In this conflict classification, there are eight ... -
Attitudes of Social Studies Teachers toward Value and Values Education
(EDAM, 2014)This research was conducted to determine how social studies teachers define value and "values education" as well as reveal the problems they encountered during the implementation. The participants in this study consisted ... -
Comparison of Elementary Social Studies Curricula of Turkey and the United States on Values Education
(EDAM, 2012)The purpose of this study is to compare the social studies teaching curricula of Turkey and the United States in terms of values education. The study is a model case study that relies upon one of the qualitative research ... -
An Examination of Critical Reading Self-efficacy Perceptions among the Students of the Faculty of Education Over Different Variables
(KAMLA-RAJ ENTERPRISES, 2015)This paper aims to examine the perceptions of self-efficacy for critical reading among the students of Faculty of Education over different variables. In this context, the researcher tried to find out whether a relationship ... -
Sustainable Development Awareness Levels of Teachers Pre-Service
(MARMARA UNIV, 2015)This study was done for the purpose of indicating sustainable development awareness levels of pre-service teachers. The findings of research were obtained by implementing sustainable development awareness scale to the ... -
Investigation of the social studies curricula in turkey (1968-2018) with regards to the climate literacy principles
(Horizon Research Publishing, 2019)In Turkey, Social Studies lesson in which the main climate issues are thought has come until today passing through several stages and processes. This study aims to reveal the role of Social Studies curriculum in terms of ...