Browsing Fakülteler by Department "İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi"
Now showing items 1-20 of 55
Anchoring of inflation expectations: The case of turkey
(Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian J)It may be observed from the existing monetary economics literature that none of the previous papers that examine the degree to which inflation expectations are anchored in Turkey takes structural breaks into account. ... -
Another Perspective of The Effects of Migration as A Determinant of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence-Based on Panel Gravity Model from Turkey and OECD Countries
(Sosyoekonomı Soc, 2021)This paper aims to investigate the impact of immigration on FDI between Turkey and OECD countries. The paper uses data spanning the period 2003-2019. There is employed PPML estimation method which presented efficient output ... -
Assessments of anxiety levels and working conditions of health employees working in COVİD-19 pandemic hospitals
(Modestum Ltd., 2020)The study aims to identify health care workers’ risk of COVID-19 and to determine employees’ views on working conditions and the fight against COVID-19 in general, and to present their concerns. The study utilized a survey ... -
The Causal Linkage Between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty under Structural Breaks: Evidence from Turkey
(Wiley, 2021)The goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty for Turkey through monthly data spanning the period 2004:01-2019:12. To this end, the paper first builds the inflation ... -
Causality and Price Discovery between Spot and Futures Foreign Exchange Rates: An Empirical Analysis on Borsa Istanbul
(Sosyoekonomi Soc, 2021)USD/TRY foreign exchange rate is the dominant foreign exchange unit in the foreign trade volume of Turkey. This study examines the interaction of the USD/TRY foreign exchange rates formed in the spot and the derivatives ... -
Co-movements and causalities between ethanol production and corn prices in the USA: New evidence from wavelet transform analysis
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)The literature has been increasingly examining the existence of possible compatibility or conflict hypotheses between biofuels and food security in recent years. While current research outputs do not provide a consensus, ... -
Customs, Beliefs and Practices about Birth and Children in Afghanistan Turkmen [Afganistan Türkmenlerinde Doğum ve Çocukla İlgili Örf, Âdet, İnanç ve Uygulamalar*]
(Cyprus International University, 2022)Culture, which is the body of material and spiritual values revealed by a people throughout history, is not only a heritage, but also a living memory. Language, religion and ideal unity lie on the basis of being a nation. ... -
Does income growth affect renewable energy or carbon emissions first? A Fourier-based analysis for renewable and fossil energies
(Elsevier Ltd, 2025)Environmental issues and global warming continue to drive researchers to investigate the validity of hypotheses regarding the environment. The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) is the most popular hypothesis in the ... -
Does the pollution haven hypothesis prevail in Turkey? Empirical evidence from nonlinear smooth transition models
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, MAR 2021)The pollution haven hypo thesis (PHH) postulates that foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows can increase environmental deterioration in developing countries as multinational firms tend to transfer their dirty industries ... -
Dynamics of globalization at the crossroads of economics
(Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2019)The world is becoming interconnected via the increase in the volume of trade. This integration process is called globalization, and this led to a massive increase in the production of goods and services. The globalization ... -
Economic complexity and environmental sustainability in eastern European economy: Evidence from novel Fourier approach
(KeAi Communications Co., 2023)Globally, economies have become complex and new technologies have transformed and facilitated the modernization of economies. In the previous literature, economic complexity approach has become one of the popular tools in ... -
The economic implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on tourism industry: Empirical evidence from Turkey
(Sage Publıcatıons Inc, 2022)The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused tremendous fear and uncertainty and affected health, economy, and social life in an unprecedented form worldwide. Yet, the level of knowledge on its economic implications ... -
The effect of freedom on international tourism demand: Empirical evidence from the top eight most visited countries
(Sage Publıcatıons Ltd., 2019)The present study investigates the impact of freedom (i.e. the effects of political rights and civil liberties) on tourist arrivals for the eight countries with the highest tourist arrivals in 2016 (France, the United ... -
Environmental deterioration, renewable energy, natural resource rents, and schooling in Türkiye: Does the degree of energy transition matter for environmental quality?
(Academic Press, 2024)Within the literature on energy and environmental economics, it is generally acknowledged that renewable energy can improve environmental quality; however, certain papers suggest that an optimal level of the usage of ... -
Environmental Sustainability İn Turkey: An Environmental Kuznets Curve Estimation For Ecological Footprint
(Taylor & Francıs Inc, 2021)The goal of this paper is to detect the determinants of ecological footprint (EF) in Turkey within the scope of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis over the period 1970-2016. For this purpose, the paper sets ... -
Estimation of the Co-movements Between Biofuel Production and Food Prices: A Wavelet-based Analysis
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020)Recently, the significance of biofuel production on food prices has become an important topic of discussion within the framework of sustainable development. Based on the relevant discussions, this work aims at observing ... -
Fiscal rule in greece during current crisis: Different parties same politics
(Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2019)... -
Global Developments in Climate Policy and Migration Policy: Can the UN Be a Base to Create an Adequate Legal Framework?
(Seta Foundatıon, 2022)This commentary discusses how the latest resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), recognizing "The Human Right to a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment," paves the way for a juridico-political ... -
Historical and Geographical Information about the Exploration of the Caspian Sea in Cartographic Materials
(International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research, 2022)The article provides a brief overview of the historical and geographical data on the Caspian Sea and traces the change in the name of the sea at different stages of history. The study is based on the work of scientists ...