Browsing Fakülteler by Department "Eğitim Fakültesi"
Now showing items 1-20 of 84
An analysis of the effects of the Early Mathematics Intervention Program on early mathematics skills of pre-school children at risk
(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2023)Supporting all children, particularly children with special needs, in the field of mathematics is important for their development. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and implement the necessary early intervention programs ... -
Analysis of unit evaluation questions in the 4th and 5th grade social studies books [4. Ve 5. sınıf sosyal bilgiler kitaplarında yer alan ünite değerlendirme sorularının analizi]
(Abdullah Kuzu, 2020)In today's information society, the importance of measurement evaluation, which is one of the indispensable elements of education, is increasing. Because the social studies course is a course for acquiring knowledge, skills, ... -
Challenges in Reorienting Early Childhood Education for Sustainability in Initial Teacher Education: Transforming, Creating and Expanding
(Edith Cowan University, 2022)This editorial essay introduces a special issue on education for sustainability, early childhood education and initial teacher education. We adopt a duoethnographic approach to first provide an overview of the issues, gaps, ... -
Community of Inquiry Framework: Research Trends Between 2000-2020
(Onlıne Learning Consortium, 2022)The current study aimed to understand the trend in the community of inquiry that many researchers have been working on for over 20 years. Within the scope of this aim, 102 studies were reviewed with regards to some variables: ... -
A comparative exploration of Turkish and Irish curricula via TIMSS cognitive domains
(Western Australıan Inst Educatıonal Research Inc, 2022)This qualitative study aimed to explore Turkish and Irish mathematics curricula via TIMSS cognitive domains by way of a comparative investigation of first-grade to fourthgrade learning goals. For this purpose, 500 learning ... -
A comprehensive model explaining teachers' intentions to use mobile-based assessment
(Routledge Journals, 2023)This study was conducted to understand pre-service and in-service teachers' intentions to use mobile-based assessment in classes by integrating theory of planned behaviour, technology acceptance model, and self-determination ... -
Contributions on the southern distribution of Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Turkiye
(Tubıtak Scıentıfıc & Technıcal Research Councıl Turkey, 2022)Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758, has a wide distribution from France to Japan, and from Iran in the south to Scandinavia and Russia in the north. The only records of the parti-coloured bat, Vespertilio murinus known ... -
Controversial issues: A mixed study with middle school students
(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2022)The purpose of the research was to determine the opinions of middle school students about the inclusion of controversial issues in social studies course. In this mixed methods study, an explanatory design was used, and the ... -
Decision Making of Speech and Language Therapists: Science or Intuition?
(Routledge Dergileri, Taylor & Francıs Ltd, 2021)Understanding decision-making as a process is essential in relation to the practice of many professions seeking to improve efficacy. The ideal of evidence-based practice can be challenging to implement in practice. This ... -
Determination of Pre-service Teachers' Sensitivity to Violence Against Children
(Anı Yayıncılık, 2021)Purpose: Violence against children in the world and Turkey is increasing day by day, and this alarming increase harms the development of children and the future of society. Therefore, pre-service teachers' sensitivity to ... -
Determination Of Pre-Service Teachers’ Sensitivity To Violence Against Children
(Ani Publishing, 2021)Purpose: Violence against children in the world and Turkey is increasing day by day, and this alarming increase harms the development of children and the future of society. Therefore, pre-service teachers' sensitivity to ... -
The development and application of an interview structure on determining preservice mathematics teachers' competence in proportional reasoning
(SPRINGER, MAY 2021)Determining preservice teachers' competence in proportional reasoning is a very complex task, and existing research methods do not provide effective tools in doing that. This study describes an interview structure and ... -
The development of the online player type scale: Construct validity and reliability testing
(IGI Global, 2020)The present study outlines the development of the Online Player Type Scale (OPTS) utilizing a motivational taxonomy developed. This taxonomy was comprehensively reviewed to create scale items, and the conceptual framework ... -
Digital and traditional political participation of high school students just before the 2023 presidential election in Turkey
(Intellect Ltd., 2024)The youth population rate in Turkey is quite high compared to other European countries. According to official figures, there are 13 million people between the ages of 15 and 24 in Turkey. In the presidential election on ... -
Does Science Education Contribute To Citizenship Education In Turkey?
(Unıv Malaya Press, 2023)This research aims to explore the connections between science and citizenship education and how science education contributes to citizenship education in Turkey. To achieve these goals, we focused on two research questions: ... -
Drivers of teachers' intentions to use mobile applications to teach science
(Springer, 2022)Using mobile applications in science education has proven to be effective as it adds multiple benefits including learning gains, motivation to learn, and collaborative learning. However, some teachers are reluctant to use ... -
Editing video cases to facilitate preservice teachers’ self-reflection on their instructional decisions
(Routledge, 2022)This study examines preservice teachers’ (PTs’) video case (VC) editing process to enhance their self-reflection on instructional decisions in teaching experiences. We apply the triple-cycle process, including teaching ... -
An Educator’s Response to COVID-19: Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives on Flipped Distance Education
(The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), 2021)With the COVID-19 pandemic, students and instructors had to carry out lessons with distance education practices, and this sudden change made it a necessity to reorganize educational processes under the conditions of the ... -
The Effect of Digital Stories on 3rd Graders’ Achievement, Attitudes and Motivation in Science Lesson
(Özgen Korkmaz, 2022)This research aimed to determine the effect of digital stories on 3rd grade students’ achievement, attitudes, and motivation in science lesson. For this purpose, explanatory sequential design, one of the mixed methods, was ... -
The Effect of Digital Stories on Primary School Students' Listening Comprehension Skills
(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2022)The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of digital stories on the listening comprehension skills of primary school 4th grade students. For this purpose, the research has carried out with a quasi-experimental ...