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Güncel Gönderiler
Does Patents on Environmental Technologies Matter for the Ecological Footprint in the USA? Evidence from the Novel Fourier ARDL Approach
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)The outcome of patents on environmental (POET) technologies on the EF in the USA has not been comprehensively explored. Therefore, to close this breach in the literature, the present study discovers how patents on ecological ... -
Agricultural Factors as the Root Cause of Rural Migration from a Global Perspective
(Pontıfıcıa Unıv Javerıana, 2022)This article discusses rural migration from a global perspective and reveals the agricultural reasons for this kind of migration. Migration from rural to urban is a common phenomenon in the world and especially in the ... -
A general view of the biomass energy potential and its use in Turkey
(Emerald Group Publıshıng Ltd, 2020)Biomass energy is an important energy source in Turkey. In particular, it is the major source of energy in rural Turkey. Biomass energy is used to meet a variety of energy needs, including heating homes and workplaces, ... -
Adaptation of the Sustainable Leadership Scale to Turkish: A Validity and Reliability Study
(Hale Sıvgınjournal Gazı Acad Vıew, 2020)The purpose of this study is to adapt "Sustainable Leadership Scale" which was compiled by Dalati et al. (2017) and consists of 10 items and one dimension to Turkish and and to perform validity and reliability analyses ... -
The Impact of Foreign Trade on Immigration from Turkey to Germany: ARDL Bounds Test Approach
(Istanbul Unıv, Methodology & Socıology Research Center, 2020)Due to developments in the field of transportation and communication, communication and technological facilities have sped up the migration movements between countries by reducing the cost of migration. Additionally, as a ... -
On the Rule of Law: History, Politics, Theory
(Hale Sıvgın, 2020)Just over a decade ago, fol!owing the almost total col!apse ofcommunism, it seemed to many observers to be the dawn of a new age, an age in which Western ideas of freedom, democracy, individual rights, and capitalism final!y ... -
Thinking State Finance from the Perspective of State Theories
(Sosyoekonomı Soc, 2021)While the state finance discipline permeates all the spheres of the social structure and creates various effects, the impact of the state through state finance is usually analysed from a one-sided perspective. In this ... -
Organizational Communication as an Effective Communication Strategy in Organizations and the Role of the Leader
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)In today’s business world, organizational structures have become more complex with the effect of global, social, economic, and technological developments, and with the increasing need for division of labor and labor, all ... -
The Mediating Role of Organizational Communication on The Relationship Between Strategic Leadership and Organizational Agility
(Mehmet Akif Ersoy Univ, 2021)The uncertainty created by the rapid change first showed its effect on production systems. The delays of organizations making serial and lean production in responding to this rapid change have put them at a disadvantage. ... -
Estimation of the Co-movements Between Biofuel Production and Food Prices: A Wavelet-based Analysis
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020)Recently, the significance of biofuel production on food prices has become an important topic of discussion within the framework of sustainable development. Based on the relevant discussions, this work aims at observing ... -
The Causal Linkage Between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty under Structural Breaks: Evidence from Turkey
(Wiley, 2021)The goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty for Turkey through monthly data spanning the period 2004:01-2019:12. To this end, the paper first builds the inflation ... -
Reshaping China’s Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Landscape Through Green Energy Innovation in the Digital Era
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2024)China faces increasing pressure to obtain inclusive and sustainable growth as it is one of the largest producers of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions globally. This paper aims to simplify the trend of inclusive and sustainable ... -
Does income growth affect renewable energy or carbon emissions first? A Fourier-based analysis for renewable and fossil energies
(Elsevier Ltd, 2025)Environmental issues and global warming continue to drive researchers to investigate the validity of hypotheses regarding the environment. The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) is the most popular hypothesis in the ... -
Environmental deterioration, renewable energy, natural resource rents, and schooling in Türkiye: Does the degree of energy transition matter for environmental quality?
(Academic Press, 2024)Within the literature on energy and environmental economics, it is generally acknowledged that renewable energy can improve environmental quality; however, certain papers suggest that an optimal level of the usage of ... -
Re-examination of the Convergence in Military Expenditures across NATO Countries: Do Different Approximations in Modeling Structural Breaks Matter?
(Re-examination of the Convergence in Military Expenditures across NATO Countries: Do Different Approximations in Modeling Structural Breaks Matter?, 2021)The goal of this paper is to investigate whether the ratio of military expenditures to GDP converged across 27 NATO countries for the period 1993-2018 within the scope of stochastic convergence analysis. For this purpose, ... -
Local Governments and Governance: Analysis of Budget Expenditures of Municipalities by Category in Türkiye with TOPSIS Method (2006-2019)
(Sosyoekonomi Society, 2023)Türkiye's economic structure has undergone administrative-fiscal transformations with the restructuring of local governments in the process of scaling up spatial form in the 2000s. Relations between social actors at the ... -
Economic complexity and environmental sustainability in eastern European economy: Evidence from novel Fourier approach
(KeAi Communications Co., 2023)Globally, economies have become complex and new technologies have transformed and facilitated the modernization of economies. In the previous literature, economic complexity approach has become one of the popular tools in ... -
Causality and Price Discovery between Spot and Futures Foreign Exchange Rates: An Empirical Analysis on Borsa Istanbul
(Sosyoekonomi Soc, 2021)USD/TRY foreign exchange rate is the dominant foreign exchange unit in the foreign trade volume of Turkey. This study examines the interaction of the USD/TRY foreign exchange rates formed in the spot and the derivatives ... -
The Impasse of International Law on Climate-Induced Migration: Recent Developments and the United Nation's January 2020 Decision on Climate Refugees
(Seta Foundatıon, 2021)This paper aims to lay out the challenges and potentially fatal conflicts inherent in the emerging attempts to respect state sovereignty while crafting progressive and truly responsive sets of approaches to a sui generis ...