Population structure and growth of rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L., 1758) from a eutrophic lake in Northern Anatolia [Struktura populacije i rast crvenperke, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L., 1758), iz eutrofnog jezera u juZnoj anatoliji]
A total of 1329 samples were collected from monthly sampling between November 2009 and October 2010 in order to analyze growth features and population structure of rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus living in Lake Ladik which has eutrophic character. The fork length (FL) ranged from 9.8 to 21.4 cm and the body weight (W) ranged from 13.62 to 200.68 g. Based on lapillus readings, the maximum age was 7 years. The overall ratio of female to male was 1:0.16. The von Bertalanffy growth equation parameters were calculated as L?= 39.32 cm, W?= 1504.92 g, k = 0.08, t0=-1.08 for females, and L?= 28.19 cm, W?= 448.03 g, k = 0.13, t0=-1.19 for males. Length-weight relationship for females and males was found as W = 0.0060 FL3.386and W = 0.0078 FL3.282, respectively. The Fulton’s condition factor (K) showed an upward trend with reference to age and length groups in both sex. The value of mean K was computed as 1.737 for females, 1.667 for males and 1.727 for combined sexes. This study provides the initial data on population structure, growth features and condition of rudd in Lake Ladik. Obtained data have shown that population is comprised of young individuals and that the growth rate of the species is slow. © The Author(s) 2015. Published by University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture. All rights reserved.